changing window manager in gnome
I would like to change the window manager gnome uses from metacity to fluxbox. I know that I previously read a guide for changing the defatult window manager but now I just can't find it again (sic). When googling on the subject I find that there should be an option in the gnome control center that allows you to change the window manager but when I fire up gnome-controll-center I can't find this option.
I use gnome-session 2.0.5
After a bit of fighting and mucking about I found that the script gnome-wm determines the windowmanager gnome uses. So I edited the script to launch fluxbox instead of metacity. This worked. Fluxbox started. BUT (there is always a but, in the beginning) gnome does not finish startup. After starting window manager step gnome stops not starting Nautilus and what ever other services it should.
I have to kill X with ctrl-alt-backpspace.
None of the apps that start during my normal fluxbox startup start when I start start gnome with fluxbox.
Do any one know of a better way to change the window manager or how to get gnome to start all the way?