My .xinitrc is here below. But it is not used when I launch a GNOME session from gdm.
So I guess another config file is used somewhere else...
To rkef:
"</deleteme>"? Do you mean "delete this post"? Why? Do you have the answer? or you didn't get the point?
Cheers to you guys... and if someone can give a solution, I'll be happy.
%cat ~/.xinitrc
# xinitrc file for XFce 3 startxfce script
# Some distro needs to allow even localhost to use the display
# Uncomment this if you experience "Can't open display" when running
# programs from xfce. BEWARE this is considered as a vulnerability !
# xhost +$HOSTNAME
xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name watch
# Unselect the following line to get a BIG mouse cursor in Xfce :
# xset +fp "/usr/share/xfce/cursors"
# Set up additionnal fonts that ship with Xfce (Change id38121117)
xset fp+ "/usr/share/xfce/fonts"
# Start-up stuff from ~/Desktop/Autostart directory, if it exists
# (as it seems to be the new standard)
if [ -d "$HOME/Desktop/Autostart" ]; then
for i in `ls -1 ${HOME}/Desktop/Autostart/ 2>/dev/null`; do
if [ -x $HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i ]; then
$HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i &
# Uncomment this if you have xmodmap loading additional keycodes.
# set the XKEYS variable to the correct file
# XKEYS=/etc/X11/xinit/.Xmodmap
# if [ -f $XKEYS ]; then
# xmodmap $XKEYS
# fi
# Uncomment this if you run gkrellm. See
http://www.gkrellm.net for
# more info. It will launch gkrellm if it's not already running
# if [ -z $(grep gkrellm ${HOME}/.xfce/xfwm-session) ]; then
# exec `which gkrellm` &
# fi
# Launch xscreensaver (if available)
xscreensaver -no-splash &
# Finally, launch XFce window manager
exec xfwm
xsetroot -solid black