you need to verify if bind is installed on the server (assuming that the service was installed binary):
rpm -qa | grep bind
this command will tell you if bind packages were installed or not. If you didn't get any output from the command above then you most likely don't have it installed unless somebody compiled it from source
If you don't have bind installed please apply the following to install:
yum install bind bind-util bind-devel caching-nameserver
I'm not sure how familiar you are with CentOS but 'yum' is a utility that downloads and installs packages from trusted repositories. Through the installation process it checks on all dependencies and installs them as well.
you need to do some reading on how to configure your domain and the config file for bind is /etc/named.conf. please read through the following link This will give you an example on how to setup bind. There are many other good examples on the web so GOOGLE IT.
after you configure BIND , you will need to start the service:
/etc/init.d/named start
you will also need to make BIND start everytime you OS boots.
chkconfig --level 3 on
that will turn the service on runlevel 3 (that's what you called CLI mode)