If I understand the command correctly it still need to create an ISO image.
Nope! the output of mkisofs is piped directly to cdrecord.
Here is a less confusing and more compact way of doing it....
mkisofs -R -J . | cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=ATA:0,0,0 -eject -data -
-multi is for burning more than one session on the cdrom. That is used with the command: msinfo
For example ...
All images must have "-multi" used on all cdrecord sessions.
The first mkisofs session is generated as normal.
Later must have the track number ( -C # ) included when generated.
next = `cdrecord -msinfo dev=0,0,0`
echo "Next Track is $next"
mkisofs -R -J -o /home/myfiles.iso -C $next \
-M /dev/cdrom -V "Vol1" . |\
cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,0,0 -eject -multi -data /home/myfiles.iso
-V Vol1 is used to put a volume label on the burn. I don't really feel much need to use that.
The dash ( - ) is used because you are not using an iso name.