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Old 05-10-2006, 06:11 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2006
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Carrier Grade Linux

Can somebody suggest J2EE application or web servers that are compatible with CG Linux.
Old 05-10-2006, 06:24 AM   #2
Simon Bridge
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What have you tried?

I understood the CGL is a set of specifications for a linux to be considered "ready" for telecommunications rather than an actual distro by itself.

I doubt you'll find carrier grade web servers or java platform (enterprise or other edition) which will explicitly meet the standards since these are not intended (directly) for telephony. Though one could use, say, sun java, to create CGL compliant applications.

Of course - you could be thinking of something different?

Linuxes will generally run apache and sun java just fine though.

Last edited by Simon Bridge; 05-10-2006 at 06:26 AM.
Old 05-11-2006, 01:48 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2006
Posts: 2

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Hi Simon,

Thanks for your response.

My question arises from the following scenario..

Say, I need to develop a web application on a platform that runs CGLinux and the application itself is hosted on an enterprise server, like JES or WebLogic, that supports Redhat Linux.

Would there be any compatibility issues while communicating between components of these two different flavours of Linux. The application would not include any telephony-based logic as such, just a plain web application.

Also, would it be correct to assume that CGLinux would provide the base that Redhat Linux provides and have the extra layer of telephony components over it.

Old 05-11-2006, 02:40 AM   #4
Simon Bridge
LQ Guru
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Short answer: it depends.

Long answer:
CGLinux is a standard - so any linux can be made CGL compliant. A RHEL server can be made CGL compliant - and run, say, VoIP services. However, it is still RHEL and will do everything that wasn't explicitly removed.

Looking at the CGL compliant stuff though - this tends to be used for dedicated telephony servers. So a joe-random CGL compliant box will likely be running a subset of the base distro.

However: so long as everything is standards compliant in the required functionality (java, samba, USB, WAP whatever) then there should be no compatibility issues associated with connecting to the machine.

As far as Apache is concerned, for eg, it dosn't care if the box it runs on is CGL compliant or not - it's not a telephony thing.

Some things may effectively remove the CGL compliance if you install them - if compliance is important to you, then you need to read through the standards carefully.


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