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Old 03-22-2014, 02:35 PM   #1
Mr. Alex
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Cardreader question

Hi If I install internal cardreader into my PC (which is connected to USB connector on the mainboard), will it instanlty add devices to /dev (even without inserted memory cards)? If yes, it will add some confusion...
Old 03-22-2014, 02:42 PM   #2
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I added a cheapo chinese $4.00 card reader to my IBM M57 and ran the wires to USB
header pins on main board.

No conflicts for me (but I run Carolina 1.2 Puppy Linux on it).

I have to insert something first though before /dev picks it up and pmount
throws it into /mnt when I mount it.

Wait: I might be wrong about that. I gotta check later because I am on my netbook right now.

Last edited by rokytnji; 03-22-2014 at 02:45 PM.
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Old 03-22-2014, 03:28 PM   #3
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A sd or cf type card reader to usb is usually supported. Not all chipsets are and there is no way to be sure unless package says so or you find out beforehand. I'd guess that you have to have a memory card inserted for it to populate via hot plug or other method. A usb to sd adapter wouldn't populate would be my opinion. Automount is different.
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Old 03-23-2014, 05:37 AM   #4
Mr. Alex
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Thanks, Jefro.

Originally Posted by rokytnji
Wait: I might be wrong about that. I gotta check later because I am on my netbook right now.
Check and tell us please.
Old 03-23-2014, 07:32 AM   #5
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cardreader into my PC ... , will it instanlty add devices to /dev
A card reader should appear in /media/<name> only, when a card is inserted.
I.e. same behavior as an usb stick plugged into an usb socket.

Old 03-23-2014, 09:31 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Mr. Alex View Post
Thanks, Jefro.

Check and tell us please.
Screenshot showing all hookups in XFCE.

Cardreader right now has nothing in it.

# cd /dev
# ls
acerhk      hdb3      isdnctrl0  ptmx     sdb14  sdf6        tty4
adsp        hdb4      isdnctrl1  pts      sdb15  sdf7        tty5
agpgart     hdb5      js0        ptyp0    sdb2   sdf8        tty6
audio       hdb6      js1        ptyp1    sdb3   sdg         tty7
block       hdb7      kmem       ptyp2    sdb4   sdg1        tty8
bus         hdb8      kmsg       ptyp3    sdb5   sdg2        tty9
cdrom       hdb9      log        radio    sdb6   sdh         ttyACM0
cfs0        hdc       loop0      radio0   sdb7   sdh1        ttyACM1
char        hdc1      loop1      radio1   sdb8   sdh2        ttyI0
console     hdc2      loop10     ram      sdb9   sdi         ttyI1
core        hdc3      loop11     ram0     sdc    sdi1        ttyI2
dazuko      hdc4      loop12     ram1     sdc1   sdi2        ttyI3
dazuko-OLD  hdc5      loop13     ram2     sdc10  sequencer   ttyS0
dmfm        hdc6      loop14     ram3     sdc11  sequencer2  ttyS1
dri         hdc7      loop15     ram4     sdc12  sg0         ttyS2
dsp         hdc8      loop16     ram5     sdc13  sg1         ttyS3
dvb         hdc9      loop17     ram6     sdc14  sg2         ttyS4
dvd         hdd       loop18     ram7     sdc15  sg3         urandom
fb0         hdd1      loop19     ram8     sdc2   sg4         usb
fb1         hdd2      loop2      ram9     sdc3   sg5         usbdev1.1
fb2         hdd3      loop20     ramdisk  sdc4   sg6         usbdev1.2
fb3         hdd4      loop3      random   sdc5   sg7         usbdev2.1
fd          hdd5      loop4      rfkill   sdc6   shm         usbdev2.2
fd0         hdd6      loop5      rtc      sdc7   slamr0      usbdev2.3
fd0u1440    hdd7      loop6      scd0     sdc8   slamr1      usbdev2.4
fd0u1680    hdd8      loop7      scd1     sdc9   slamr2      usbdev2.5
fd0u1760    hdd9      loop8      scd2     sdd    slamr3      usbdev3.1
fd1         i2c-0     loop9      scd3     sdd1   slusb0      usbdev4.1
full        i2c-1     lp0        sda      sdd2   slusb1      usbdev5.1
fuse        i2c-10    lp1        sda1     sdd3   slusb2      usbdev6.1
hda         i2c-11    mem        sda10    sdd4   slusb3      usbdev6.2
hda1        i2c-12    misc       sda11    sdd5   smbus       usbdev7.1
hda10       i2c-13    mixer      sda12    sdd6   smbusbios   usbdev7.2
hda11       i2c-14    mmcblk0    sda13    sdd7   snd         usbdev8.1
hda12       i2c-2     mmcblk0p1  sda14    sdd8   sr0         usbmouse
hda13       i2c-3     mmcblk0p2  sda15    sde    sr1         userdma
hda14       i2c-4     modems     sda2     sde1   sr2         vbi
hda15       i2c-5     mouse      sda3     sde2   sr3         vbi0
hda16       i2c-6     net        sda4     sde3   stderr      vbi1
hda2        i2c-7     null       sda5     sde4   stdin       vcs2
hda3        i2c-8     nvram      sda6     sde5   stdout      vcs3
hda4        i2c-9     parport0   sda7     sde6   systty      vcs4
hda5        input     parport1   sda8     sde7   tty         vcsa0
hda6        ippp0     parport2   sda9     sde8   tty0        vcsa2
hda7        ippp1     port       sdb      sdf    tty1        vcsa3
hda8        ippp2     ppp        sdb1     sdf1   tty10       vcsa4
hda9        ippp3     pppox0     sdb10    sdf2   tty11       video
hdb         isdn0     pppox1     sdb11    sdf3   tty12       video0
hdb1        isdn1     pppox2     sdb12    sdf4   tty2        video1
hdb2        isdnctrl  psaux      sdb13    sdf5   tty3        zero
Here is /mnt

# cd /mnt
# ls
cdrom  dvd    floppy  msdos    ram1  sdb2  sdb5  sdb7  sdd1  swap
data   flash  home    network  sdb1  sdb3  sdb6  sdc1  sr0   zip
I showed /mnt because Puppy has no /media folder. But. When something is mounted. A new mount point goes into the /mnt folder. Like sde which I will show later on down this post.

# ls
archive  dev  include  lib         mnt  proc  sbin  tmp  var
bin      etc  initrd   lost+found  opt  root  sys   usr
If I plug something into the card reader. It will autoload but not be mounted yet. Just a new icon on the desktop. I still have to left click it for automount. (I have xfce set for 1 click)

# cd /mnt/sde1
# ls   initrd.gz     logo.16                 syslinux.cfg
boot.msg   isolinux.bin  menu.c32                ubnfilel.txt
help2.msg  isolinux.cfg  puppy_guydog_5.0.1.sfs  ubnpathl.txt
help.msg   ldlinux.sys   README.HTM              vmlinuz
so lets look at /dev again to see if anything has changed

# cd /dev 
# ls
acerhk      hdb3       isdnctrl1  ptyp0    sdb3   sdg1        tty9
adsp        hdb4       js0        ptyp1    sdb4   sdg2        ttyACM0
agpgart     hdb5       js1        ptyp2    sdb5   sdh         ttyACM1
audio       hdb6       kmem       ptyp3    sdb6   sdh1        ttyI0
block       hdb7       kmsg       radio    sdb7   sdh2        ttyI1
bsg         hdb8       log        radio0   sdb8   sdi         ttyI2
bus         hdb9       loop0      radio1   sdb9   sdi1        ttyI3
cdrom       hdc        loop1      ram      sdc    sdi2        ttyS0
cfs0        hdc1       loop10     ram0     sdc1   sequencer   ttyS1
char        hdc2       loop11     ram1     sdc10  sequencer2  ttyS2
console     hdc3       loop12     ram2     sdc11  sg0         ttyS3
core        hdc4       loop13     ram3     sdc12  sg1         ttyS4
dazuko      hdc5       loop14     ram4     sdc13  sg2         urandom
dazuko-OLD  hdc6       loop15     ram5     sdc14  sg3         usb
dmfm        hdc7       loop16     ram6     sdc15  sg4         usbdev1.1
dri         hdc8       loop17     ram7     sdc2   sg5         usbdev1.2
dsp         hdc9       loop18     ram8     sdc3   sg6         usbdev1.3
dvb         hdd        loop19     ram9     sdc4   sg7         usbdev2.1
dvd         hdd1       loop2      ramdisk  sdc5   shm         usbdev2.2
fb0         hdd2       loop20     random   sdc6   slamr0      usbdev2.3
fb1         hdd3       loop3      rfkill   sdc7   slamr1      usbdev2.4
fb2         hdd4       loop4      rtc      sdc8   slamr2      usbdev2.5
fb3         hdd5       loop5      scd0     sdc9   slamr3      usbdev3.1
fd          hdd6       loop6      scd1     sdd    slusb0      usbdev4.1
fd0         hdd7       loop7      scd2     sdd1   slusb1      usbdev5.1
fd0u1440    hdd8       loop8      scd3     sdd2   slusb2      usbdev6.1
fd0u1680    hdd9       loop9      sda      sdd3   slusb3      usbdev6.2
fd0u1760    i2c-0      lp0        sda1     sdd4   smbus       usbdev7.1
fd1         i2c-1      lp1        sda10    sdd5   smbusbios   usbdev7.2
full        i2c-10     mem        sda11    sdd6   snd         usbdev8.1
fuse        i2c-11     misc       sda12    sdd7   sr0         usbmouse
hda         i2c-12     mixer      sda13    sdd8   sr1         userdma
hda1        i2c-13     mmcblk0    sda14    sde    sr2         vbi
hda10       i2c-14     mmcblk0p1  sda15    sde1   sr3         vbi0
hda11       i2c-2      mmcblk0p2  sda2     sde2   stderr      vbi1
hda12       i2c-3      modems     sda3     sde3   stdin       vcs2
hda13       i2c-4      mouse      sda4     sde4   stdout      vcs3
hda14       i2c-5      net        sda5     sde5   systty      vcs4
hda15       i2c-6      null       sda6     sde6   tty         vcsa0
hda16       i2c-7      nvram      sda7     sde7   tty0        vcsa2
hda2        i2c-8      parport0   sda8     sde8   tty1        vcsa3
hda3        i2c-9      parport1   sda9     sdf    tty10       vcsa4
hda4        input      parport2   sdb      sdf1   tty11       video
hda5        ippp0      port       sdb1     sdf2   tty12       video0
hda6        ippp1      ppp        sdb10    sdf3   tty2        video1
hda7        ippp2      pppox0     sdb11    sdf4   tty3        zero
hda8        ippp3      pppox1     sdb12    sdf5   tty4
hda9        isdn0      pppox2     sdb13    sdf6   tty5
hdb         isdn1      psaux      sdb14    sdf7   tty6
hdb1        isdnctrl   ptmx       sdb15    sdf8   tty7
hdb2        isdnctrl0  pts        sdb2     sdg    tty8
It is early am here and I still have to wake up so it is up to you t0 scope out any differences. My eyes are blurry. Sorry.

P.S. My cmos clock is off hence the wrong time in taskbar. It happens when I forget to go into bios and set the time again.

Actual time is

# inxi -wxx
Weather:   Conditions: 48 F (9 C) - Overcast Wind: From the North at 20 MPH Gusting to 28 MPH Humidity: 54%
           Pressure: 30.32 in (1027 mb) Time: March 23, 8:39 AM CDT (America/Chicago)

Last edited by rokytnji; 03-23-2014 at 09:41 AM.
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Old 03-24-2014, 01:56 PM   #7
Mr. Alex
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Rokytnji, wow, you have a lot of sd* and hd* files in /dev ! That is way too many. Are all of them some drives? (Seems unlikely to me.)
Old 03-24-2014, 03:05 PM   #8
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I have 2 internal drives. A 320 sata and 2TB Sata. 1 External 1TB usb hard drove.

It is my motorcycle shop Desktop office box. I can print with it. Pretty much do anything I want
for my needs except run DRM motorcycle software cds which my Windows 7 laptop handles anyways.

Rokytnji, wow, you have a lot of sd* and hd* files in /dev
Yeah, not bad for a cd sized distro. Just because I have the mount points do not mean
they are being used Mr. Alex.

Consider them as empty place holders in a wine rack waiting for the bottle.

Last edited by rokytnji; 03-24-2014 at 03:08 PM. Reason: Can't spell with greasy fingers
Old 03-24-2014, 03:32 PM   #9
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FYI ... if the card-reader is a removable device, then the "hotplug" system is responsible for recognizing it and for attempting to [load the necessary driver modules in order to ...] mount it. So, if your particular flavor of device is not successfully "automagically handled," you'll undoubtedly find various entries in the /var/log/whatever files describing the valiant but unsuccessful attempt. And-d-d-d... there's probably some package or another that you can install on your system to cause it all to work.


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