If I understand well, you have sound on Line In, and you want to capture that to a file, correct?
If you are using arecord, issue these commands first:
/usr/bin/amixer -c 0 sset 'Line',0 100%,100% mute capt
/usr/bin/amixer -c 0 sset 'PCM',0 100%,100% unmute nocap
-c 0 is your first audio card, -c 1 the second one, etc.
After you issued these commands, do:
arecord -r 8 -D plughw:0,0
(You might want to do arecord -L to list your audio devices, I always forget how to address them, but plughw is generic)
If you see mainly '{' and '|' characters on your screen, you are NOT capturing any sound. But that is unlikely.
If you see the screen full of garbage, you
are capturing.
So choose a sample rate, resolution and pipe the output in your file:
arecord -f CD -D plughw:0,0 > myaudiofile.wav
Not that these files are uncompressed and grow large quickly.