mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/share/omf': Permission denied
This is the line which the others have noticed - it tells them that make does not have a needed permission.
Look at the command - what is it trying to do? Make sure it is trying to do something you want it to do.
In this case it wants to make a directory in /usr/local/share for the program to live in. That's OK, because you want the program.
The next step is to check the write permission on /usr/local/share and make sure you are running make with those permissions.
That turns out to be root.
So you need to run make with root permissions.
However - as the others have pointed out - it is much more desirable to learn to use your distribution's package manager. Is there a reason you
must install this from source?
Whichever - please
edit your profile to show your location and distribution.