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Old 11-22-2008, 02:04 PM   #16
LQ 5k Club
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O.K. It would have saved a lot of time if you told me all you know up front.

You can only get one of these live distros to work with your wireless, if they have the correct driver available in the distro, or you try Ndiswrapper. You can forget trying to install a driver since you do not have a hard drive install.

Ndiswrapper can be used with knoppix. What you do is load the windows driver and ndiswrapper interfaces between the windows driver and linux. ( not a technical answer, close enough for you to understand )

The windows driver will be on your windows system. I can not tell you if it will work or not, but it is an option. Ndiswrapper will work with a lot of cards. Sometimes all functions do not work with it, but basic things do. So, at this point it is worth a try. I have used it with Linksys cards with success.

Memory. If you are convinced you have a bad stick, buy one, and swap one stick at a time. There is no risk to any data as long as you are careful changing the stick. Caution, at no time touch the contact edge of the memory with your fingers. Always handle by the edge where there are no contacts.

Power of the system remove the cover. Locate the memory sticks. There are usually tabs that hold it in place. Carefully depress the tabs, the memory stick should come loose. Lift out gently. You can clean the contacts. There are two safe ways to do this. One is with contact cleaner. Available from most computer and electronic stores. Second way, with a piece of CLEAN bond paper, fold it around the contact edge, slide it back and forth with some finger pressure. That will clean any dirt off the contacts.

I did that last week on one of my 6 year old boxes that wouldn't boot. Presto, machine boots without errors. This approach costs nothing also. If that fails, then change the memory one stick at a time.

There is a diagnostic called 'memtest' ( I think ) and it can be run from the knoppix CD. It is a stand alone test, does not require an operating system. Look for it when you boot knoppix.
Old 11-23-2008, 02:26 AM   #17
Registered: Nov 2008
Posts: 53

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I can't replace my memory right now.

I think I'd probably better off with a LiveCD distro I can be sure supports WEP and WPA with my card so I'm on the lookout for something else.

Thx for all the help dude.


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