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Old 12-24-2008, 03:37 PM   #1
Steve W
Registered: Mar 2007
Distribution: Linux Mint 18.1
Posts: 522

Rep: Reputation: 44
Cannot pause Adobe Flash Player 9

I'm trying to watch an instructional video which appears to have been made for viewing with Adobe Flash Player 9 (well, that's what I've got installed in my Ubuntu anyhow). It's on but this link may not work for you, since it's an Open University file and you may have to be a registered student to gain access to the link.

The problem is that at certain stages you are meant to pause the video to work things out, before continuing. And I cannot find a way to pause it. The video is not downloadable since it appears as part of an HTML page. When I right click I just get "Settings" and "About Adobe Flash Player 9", neither of which lets me pause the video!

Is there any way I can pause a flash video if there is no "control" (like there is on YouTube)? Or is there any software I can download to view these files rather than Adobe's own Flash software, that will let me pause?


Last edited by Steve W; 12-24-2008 at 03:56 PM.
Old 12-24-2008, 03:59 PM   #2
Steve W
Registered: Mar 2007
Distribution: Linux Mint 18.1
Posts: 522

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 44
Oh, silly bugger. The "control panel" for this "Adobe Capture" thing is located right at the bottom of the HTML page itself, and I failed to realise the last quarter inch of my page was just off the edge of my screen! After I scrolled down a smidgen, there were the control buttons!


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