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Old 04-27-2006, 09:10 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: Germany
Distribution: Debian sarge/etch
Posts: 18

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cannot browse PDF links which are not local


I have this annoying problem with acrobat (or xpdf if you prefer) which does not occur under windows. So I was hoping to get it to work under linux as well! Not much help found with either google or linuxquestions.

I know this web site which hosts the content of some CDs which are meant to be browsed with a PDF viewer. If you open the original CD with a normal browser (even under linux), all is fine. For example I open "/cdrom/begin.pdf" which contains a link to "content.pdf", acrobat then opens correctly "/cdrom/content.pdf" by expending the file with its /cdrom/ location.

Now the problem is when all this is web hosted. I click my file "http://nice.url/begin.pdf", then acrobad (or xpdf) pops up. Good. But when I click on the link "content.pdf", it tries to open a local file, and not the correct "http://nice.url/content.pdf" file. Hence my PDF browsing experience is cut short pretty quickly...

Maybe this also has to do with my acrobad/xpdf opening in a separate window, instead of being embedded in my web browser(?). But I am not sure. I have tried to get acrobad to be embedded using mozplugger package but unsuccessfully.

Any hint about getting around this solved, e.g. by embedding acroread to firefox or by getting it to work some other way.

Thanks in advance,

PS: my windows remote server is currently out of order... grrr...
Old 04-29-2006, 01:31 PM   #2
hand of fate
Registered: Nov 2003
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Originally Posted by philippeP
Any hint about getting around this solved, e.g. by embedding acroread to firefox or by getting it to work some other way.
Adobe Reader 7.0 includes a script for installing the browser plugin. This script is installed by default at /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Browser/install_browser_plugin.

Alternatively, manually create a symbolic link to (which I think is in /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Browser, or somewhere around that area) in your plugins directory.
Old 04-29-2006, 02:59 PM   #3
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when you say it trys to open a local file, do mean that when the download box appears and you hit "open it" instead of save, a pop up box appears wanting you to select a program? I think it's asking you to select the program that you want to open it with, for instance: /opt/kde/bin/kpdf is the location to the default KDE pdf viewer.

Old 05-03-2006, 07:47 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
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Thanks "hand of fate" for your reply and solution.

Indeed the trick lies in installing (and having your browser use) the plugin. With debian it was a bit different, I had to install the "mozilla-acroread" package which installs and took over the handling of PDF files. These were handled before by mozplugger (

So it now works perfectly. The setup can be verified by using the "aboutlugins" URL in mozilla/firefox, it should list "Adobe Reader 7.0" ( before any other PDF plugin.

Matter is closed (for me).


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