Originally posted by Pcghost
There is no error. When I run the script it works like a champ. When cron runs it nothing happens. Wierd. I am trying to use webmin now to set up the cron job. Maybe I missed something doing it by hand..
Do you get any e-mail from cron? If there are permissions issues, you should get an e-mail with the error messages. To make sure that you get the e-mail, add the followind line at the beginning of the crontab file:
where username is, obviously, your UNIX username on the system.
Also, by default, on some distributions cron is disabled for regular users, and the cron daemon is not even started. Doublecheck and see if some sort of a cron daemon is running. For example on my system you'd see the following:
[rouben@einstein rouben]$ ps ax | grep cron
1514 ? S 0:01 crond
10166 pts/1 S 0:00 grep cron
[rouben@einstein rouben]$
This tells me that the cron daemon (crond) is up and running and its PID is 1514.
Don't bother with Webmin; your syntax is fine.
P.S. You
did use
crontab -e to edit your crontab, did you?