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Old 09-26-2006, 01:02 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 134

Rep: Reputation: 15
Can't get K3B to Burn These Files to DVD!

Hi all,

I can use K3B to burn files, found in my home directory, to DVD-R.

I have over 13 gigs worth of files located in /VHF that I need to burn as a backup.

I have tried to use K3B, but on the status screen is shows it starting, then immediately closing the DVD-R - hence the disk becomes a coaster.

I checked the permissions on the /VHF folder and its' contents and found that they were chown and chgrp by root. I changed the chown to me, and the chgrp to users (to match the permissions I found on the files in my home directory that I CAN burn successfully).

I even copied the files over to my home directory, again checking permissions, and that didn't work either.

My last attempt involved me running K3B from the command line as root, and still no success.

Before anyone replys with this, I can safely say that I am only trying to burn up to 3.9gigs at a time...

One other thing: when picking files to burn inside the K3B screen, I noticed that all of the files had small locks on them - does this matter?


Deion "Mule" Christopher
Old 09-26-2006, 03:47 PM   #2
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Quoted from MoMule:
One other thing: when picking files to burn inside the K3B screen, I noticed that all of the files had small locks on them - does this matter?
Surely. I've never seen any locks on files when I've burnt stuff, and I think it's close to the truth to believe the lock pictures mean k3b can't access the files for some reason, or is unable to burn them on the dvd. What types of files are they? Do you use any special options? Have you run through the k3b's setup windows to check out everything -- including the drives' settings -- is in order?

And..before actually burnign a disc, check the box for doing a simulation burn. That way you spare discs. Once you get a successfull simulation burn, you can uncheck the box and do the real one; if I were you I'd find out where those locks come from and get rid of them.

Have you tried running k3b as root, does it help? If it does, it's about permissions either inside k3b's settings or someplace else (in the filesystem).
Old 10-06-2006, 11:12 AM   #3
Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 134

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Burn with K3B

I overcame the problem I had by copying all of the files to a 2.0gig USB thumb drive. I then moved those files from the thumb drive to a folder on my normal user's desktop. From there I was able to burn the DVD successfully.

The lock icon was still present in the K3B screen prior to burning the DVD, but as far as I know there were not problems. I am guessing the lock icon is used to, well, "lock" the files from being changed prior to the burn...

Deion "Mule" Christopher


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