I can't start KDE or GNOME or any KDE- or GNOME-applications any more. I tried to uninstall a game, and when I didn't find the uninstaller mentioned in the documents, I simply removed the files with this command:
\rm -r /usr/local/games/MarbleBlastGoldDemo/ /usr/lib/menu/marbleblastgolddemo /usr/bin/marbleblastgolddemo
When I restarted X some KDE applications like kicker and kontact could not be started, while I could run others like kmail and kcalc. After editeing
~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc I was able to start kicker. I then thought about starting with a clean
~/.kde and fixing what needed to be fixed and just copying the config files for the applications that worked. I exited KDE and renamed
~/.kde to
~/.kde.old and has been unable to start KDE ever since. Later I found out that GNOME couldn't be started either. IceWM and WindowMaker works however. If I create a new user that user can run KDE and GNOME. I get this mesage repeated twice if I start X with
xinit and the KDE with
xset: bad font path element (#159), possible causes are:
Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
Directory missing fonts.dir
Incorrect font server address or syntax
/var/log/Xorg.0.log shows nothig unusual.