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Old 11-28-2008, 01:51 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2006
Location: Kenya
Distribution: Ubuntu, RHEL, OpenBSD
Posts: 287

Rep: Reputation: 32
Call init script on exception

Morning all,

I was wondering is there an easy way of calling back an init script to an application that develops an exception error? For instance, instead of always having to kill the application when it throws an exception, is there a way to kill it when the exception occurs and call the init script to restart the application?

My idea was to have a value say > 0 when the exception occurs and then when the init script receives a similar value it restarts the app.

Much appreciation.
Old 11-28-2008, 02:37 AM   #2
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AFAIK there is no application that currently checks services to see if they exited cleanly or not.

You could probably write a quick script to see if the process is running, but how you would know if it exited cleanly or not (when the script wasn't the thing to start the process) I'm not sure.

Here's a start:
### Monitor script
RESTART_SERVICE="/etc/init.d/sysklogd -start"

count_proc=$(ps -ef|grep ${SERVICE}|grep -v grep|wc -l)

if [ $count_proc -eq 0 ]
   echo "Restart $SERVICE"

The script would need to run as root on a regular basis via cron. Ofcourse if the cron daemon is the process you want to check, you would need to loop and sleep instead.

Last edited by Disillusionist; 11-28-2008 at 02:41 AM.


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