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Old 04-05-2015, 10:38 AM   #1
Zoe Zhang
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2015
Posts: 3

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C program(use C++) write a program about string

Write a C program that input, print, find and replace text.
• Input: The program prompts the user to enter a line of text of at most 80 characters (may include space in-between)
• Print: The program prints out the line of characters
• Find: The program prompts the user to enter a word-to-find (not including space) of at most 20 characters. The program finds if the word appears in the line of text. If the word is found, then it proceeds to the replace function immediately.
• Replace: The program prompts the user to enter a word-for-replace (not including space) of at most 20 characters. The program replaces the first appearance of the word-to-find with the word-for-replace.
No error checking is required.
Useful tips:
• Consider the string str
char str[] = "Good luck!";
*str is the character ‘G’
*(str+1) is the character ‘o’
Consider another string str2
char *str2 = (str+5);
str2 can be considered as the string “luck!”

Example: (Information entered by users is underlined)

1> Enter the text
2> Print the text
3> Find text and replace
0> Exit
Your choice? 1
Please enter the text (at most 80 characters):
I am a boy.

1> Enter the text
2> Print the text
3> Find text and replace
0> Exit
Your choice? 2
The text is:
I am a boy.

1> Enter the text
2> Print the text
3> Find text and replace
0> Exit
Your choice? 3
Text to find (at most 20 characters): man
"man" not found!

1> Enter the text
2> Print the text
3> Find text and replace
0> Exit
Your choice? 3
Text to find (at most 20 characters): boy
"boy" is found!
Replace by (at most 20 characters): girl
Text replaced successfully!

1> Enter the text
2> Print the text
3> Find text and replace
0> Exit
Your choice? 2
The text is:
I am a girl.

1> Enter the text
2> Print the text
3> Find text and replace
0> Exit
Your choice? 0
Thank you!
Old 04-05-2015, 11:40 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2002
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