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Old 05-31-2005, 05:19 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 781

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C++ IDE+Compiler?Java IDE+compiler?


I have to start learning C++ and Java for school. Sure I have gcc and Java installed on my box, and have for them also IDE's, but do you know any IDE that will compile and run my programms too? I didn't found anything, this is actually something that I miss from old Windows times
I need one for C++ and one for Java. It must not be the same IDE for both, they can be two of them.

Thank you!
Old 05-31-2005, 07:03 AM   #2
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Most IDE's just use an external compiler. There's a KDE one...kdevelop? But it would still only use gcc for the compilation. There's netBeans for java or eclipse I think too.

Personally I just use vi and a makefile - much easier!
Old 05-31-2005, 11:36 AM   #3
LQ Guru
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There is also eclipse for java and other languages (using plugins).
Old 05-31-2005, 02:12 PM   #4
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i agree with komakino , i even a long time ago wrote a java editor with syntax highlighting and will compile and run java from the tools menu (JEditPad from Tucows) but ultimately it works better to just use Makefiles you can just as easilty set up a Makefile system for a Java project as c++ and to don't have to fuss with editors that actually just act as a go between.
Check out emacs -- it will not only run Makefiles for you but will visit sections of code pointed to by error messages.


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