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Old 07-16-2003, 11:25 AM   #1
LQ Addict
Registered: Jul 2002
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Question browsers certificates and "secure" browsing

I'm running into a problem because of work. I'm sneaked TightVNC on my Win2K machine and I use that instead of PC-Anywhere to log on from home when I need to work after-hours...this allows me to use linux instead of windows.

BUT they have us logging on to a secure website to open the firewall BEFORE we connect to our machines.

Here's the problem...I can only log into this site from windows IE...the link starts with https:// and is a different port than port 80, I get a warning about the certificate and things work the way they should in IE. But when I try from Mozilla, Galeon or Opera, I get an error (either no response or that the document is empty). I have all the SSL stuff installed and activated and I went through every option in the security menus...

I have no idea now where to look further on this...or if this is even solvable. Just that its really annoying to log into windows just to log in, then boot into linux so I can work normally.


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