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Old 06-20-2005, 08:08 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2005
Posts: 3

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Please can someone help us? I have been asked by a man of 74 to help him get on line,his computer is running Linux a system that i have never used, his broadband from is power supplier states it must run on Window's or mac,he has paid out for the kit and i can not see how i can get it to work,
the only thing i can tink of is to load Windows on to his computer as well as Linux,can this be done if so how? or do i have to delete the Linux system,he is now get on with ok. if i do have to delete the Linux system how do you do it?
I have spent over 3 hours trying to get this to work for him today,and i so want to get him on line so he can have a interest.
My job is warden to the elderly so my self have very limited skills on the computer (windows only) so if some one could help in very plain form I would be very gratful so will he.
Thank You
Old 06-20-2005, 08:32 AM   #2
Registered: May 2004
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My response based on your situation would be to get a DSL router (30-50GBP) and let that handle the connection and then link up the PC to the router and just tweak the network settings (alot easier than trying to get a usb modem to work). But this might not be suitable as OAPs don't nessesarily have money to spare.

A few questions that might help pinpoint a solution:-

What is the make and model of the DSL modem/router?
What Distribution/version of Linux is he running?

Last edited by okmyx; 06-20-2005 at 08:33 AM.
Old 06-20-2005, 09:07 AM   #3
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What type of broadband service are we talking about. What stuff is in this kit? By power supplier do you mean broadband via the power lines?

When you reinstall windows it should overwrite linux (usually).
Old 06-20-2005, 12:49 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2005
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Thank You for the help,
which connects to telecom+


Old 06-20-2005, 06:33 PM   #5
Registered: Aug 2002
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KDE is the desktop i.e. GUI. A linux distribution is Redhat, Mandrake, SuSE, Slackware etc. Since this is a modem / router it should be relatively easy if the PC is connected via ethernet cable. All you need to do is setup the network for a lan connection using DHCP. Follow the instruction manual in the kit to configure the modem/router.

There could be a problem... Some DSL ISPs require the CD to setup the modem which requires windows.


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