Solved: to have Eclipse and Azureus (now called Vuze) running with no conflicts in Debian/etch with Java 1.6
Here is what I did:
You will want to uninstall Azureus and Eclipse if currently installed.
Then install Eclipse, run it to confirm it works.
Then follow the steps below for installing Azureus.
We will be getting the latest version from Sourceforge.
1. get azureus from sourceforge.
A. click on the frog icon labeled jar (to download the file)
2. make a location for the jar file
3. put the file (Azureus4.0.0.4.jar) in /usr/local/azureus/
4. make a shell script to run azureus named (
Use this for contents:
JAVA='java -Xmx1024M'
if [ -d ~/.azureus ]; then
cd ~/.azureus
if [ ! -d ~/.azureus ]; then mkdir ~/.azureus; fi
cd ~/.azureus
exec $JAVA -Djava.library.path=.:/usr/lib/jni:/usr/lib \
-classpath Azureus4.0.0.4.jar:swt.jar:/usr/local/azureus/Azureus4.0.0.4.jar:$JARS \
org.gudy.azureus2.ui.common.Main "$@"
# end of script
5. save the file to /usr/local/azureus/, and chmod 755
6. make a desktop icon/launcher to start azureus (gnome)
A. right-click on the desktop
B. choose (create launcher) from the pop-up menu
- Fill in the launcher data:
C. on basic tab: give it a name: Azureus or Vuze if you want
D. under launcher tab:
Description: BitTorrent client
(to run as root) Command: gksu /usr/local/azureus/ %U
(or to run as user) Command: /usr/local/azureus/ %U
Comment: peer-to-peer file distribution tool
E. save the launcher
If you want to get a cool Azureus frog icon, which can be added to the launcher later, go here:
Now you can run Azureus from the launcher, and still be able to run Eclipse.
Note, you may need to set a default for java:
1. type this at shell: update-alternatives --config java
2. select the latest version that you have (need 1.5 at least, i am using 1.6)
blackbox:/home/me# update-alternatives --config java
There are 4 alternatives which provide `java'.
Selection Alternative
1 /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1
2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java
+ 3 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java
* 4 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java
Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number:
- - - - -
This worked for me, and although I haven't tested both programs extensively, they do start and run without issues so far.