Forget about "floppy disks."
You simply don't need one. They're not big enough to do anything "useful" anymore, and they're unreliable, as well.
Per contra, a CD-ROM holds about 500 times as much information, which cannot be altered.
If you need to restart your system to fix a problem, Disk #1 of the installation (any distro) will be able to do that. CD-ROM based distros such as Knoppix (free download) are even better because they are
complete systems.
It defies me why distros continue to mention an "emergency boot floppy." That guidance should be struck from every document. I don't know of any modern computer that cannot boot from a floppy. And, even for those few that
can't, most network-cards support booting from the network.
do need to have, and to practice from time to time, an emergency-recovery scenario. But floppy disks are a useless, archaic part of that scenario.