hi all
i installed VMware-Workstation-Full-10.0.2-1744117.x86_64.bundle successfully on my arch linux with kernel 3.16.4-1 and do as the wiki archlinux said to compile modules vmware needed
but vmware run failed with any prompt and i got the error as startup vmware services manually
[arhclinux init.d]# ./vmware start
Starting VMware services:
Virtual machine monitor done
Virtual machine communication interface done
VM communication interface socket family done
Blocking file system failed
Virtual ethernet done
VMware Authentication Daemon done
i read the shell file of /etc/init.d/vmware
there are few lines said
395 if [ "`is_vmblock_needed`" = 'yes' ] ; then
396 vmware_exec 'Blocking file system' vmware_stop_vmblock
397 exitcode=$(($exitcode + $?))
398 fi
seems vmblock modules is needed by vmware
what should i suppose to do to run vmware successfully