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Old 06-23-2003, 05:40 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
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best rh9 dvd player?

anyone know a good, or the best, dvd player for rh9? i tried to install VLC but it didnt install right, the *.rpm's may be corrupt.

is there another way besides doing a repair install to fix win xp pro from not working? (i was told my a dell representative (from problems i told her about) that that was the only way to fix it.)
Old 06-23-2003, 06:20 AM   #2
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someone else will shortly recommend Xine, but don't believe them! it's all a clever plot!
Old 06-23-2003, 06:22 AM   #3
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hehe i will recommend it cause my mplayer doesn't work properly :P when i tell it to go full screen it crashes, but if i execute a movie from command line and press the f key for full screen its fine....i don't get it :P
Old 06-23-2003, 06:57 AM   #4
Mega Man X
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mplayer is great. But to get DVD play on it is way too odd. In my case, for example, when I've to set up the "subtext" language here, I've to keep trying till I find the swedish text option (usually, we can choose among swedish, norwegian, finish and danish). So if I choose swedish it plays in danish, if I choose finish plays in swedish and so on...
If I've to change the aspect radio, the movie reestarts... sometimes, as well, it may start to play a movie and the control keys (sound, foward and backward and etc )wont work and I've to kill it.

It has potential, for sure, but so far so buggy... Use Xine for DVD's . our mod is too in love with that player, the same way when we are in love with a girl and don't see anything wrong about her....ghehe....that's all
Old 06-24-2003, 02:37 AM   #5
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There's ogle. A little buggy. It's stable but some things don't work. It's available as a .rpm or .deb or tarball.
Old 06-24-2003, 03:08 AM   #6
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Actually, if you run mplayer from a shell and it starts acting up its very easy to fix the situation because of the error messages mplayer gives. Often times its looking for a font or a codec that is not there.
Old 06-24-2003, 06:35 AM   #7
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DVD Xine vs Mplayer

I do not realy care which is better just as long as it works.
When I try to use Xine it flops and stops after the FBI warning screen. And as of yet I have only been able to get Mplayer to work through terminal (command line). I just want a gui. Other then persanal prefrence if it works it works. I am still open to suggestions on how to get Xine to work or how to get Mplayer to use a gui.

[just my two cents as a 3 day linux user]

[ Mahlanom ]
Old 06-24-2003, 06:44 AM   #8
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How'd you install mplayer?

Try running:

Old 06-24-2003, 06:46 AM   #9
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type "gmplayer" to get a gui on mplayer, but i'd ask you to stop and think about WHY you need a gui? you can load and play a film so so much quicker from a command line, and mplayers hotkeys make navigating through a film stupidly easy.

1 Command line:

mplayer /film/blah.avi

2 Gui

-navigate to correct directory
-choose correct file

not even a close competiton
Old 06-24-2003, 07:00 AM   #10
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Re: DVD Xine vs Mplayer

Originally posted by Mahlanom
I do not realy care which is better just as long as it works.
When I try to use Xine it flops and stops after the FBI warning screen. And as of yet I have only been able to get Mplayer to work through terminal (command line). I just want a gui. Other then persanal prefrence if it works it works. I am still open to suggestions on how to get Xine to work or how to get Mplayer to use a gui.

[just my two cents as a 3 day linux user]

[ Mahlanom ]
Did you ever give Ogle a try? Mplayer is far superior, it does more than just DVD, however, if you are looking for more options, add Ogle as one.

Old 06-24-2003, 09:10 AM   #11
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So the gui is slow? I just like to be lazzy (windows user side effect) I intalled by the fallowing:
make install
make distclean

Then ran mplayer -fs -dvd 1
Could that be put into the cammandline for an Icon (I am in windows now otherwise Id try) Tryed gmplayer and it said it was incorrect or did not exist.

Thanks for the suggestions though.
This forum is more helpfull then the irc channels I have been to as of late. I seem to be having flash backs to dos everytime I open a terminal
Old 06-24-2003, 09:31 AM   #12
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"the" gui isn't slow, all GUI's are slow if you only want to accomplish a simple task like playing a dvd. so yes that command will play the first track of a dvd at full screen. not though that not all dvd's have the main title at track 1.

MPlayer doesn't support (or agree with..) DVD menu's, I find them a horrible waste of time as well (even worse than a gui in terms of getting into it). I have to admit that this doesn't always make it too easy to load a dvd film if it's not track one. but if you DO know the number, then it's so so much faster.

I've written a program called lsdvd at which will tell you the contents of a DVD, inparticular which is the longest track for information.
Old 06-24-2003, 06:43 PM   #13
Mega Man X
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I've tried once to team up the coders at mplayer team, they were way to unkind with me as a colaborator so... besides the bugs, I also have something more on it that it does not fit here . Xine is cool...
Old 06-24-2003, 06:59 PM   #14
Mega Man X
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plus, the statement:

MPlayer doesn't support (or agree with..)

Just show that the program has potential but not organization. DVD's has an standard to follow. Or you play it as if it should be a DVD player, correctly, with subtexts option where it should be and starting where it should start instead of you choosing the track to play (making it awful to new users) or simply don't add DVD support to it.

It sound so unprofessional as Nvidia Fog Rate, like those games with an option to "Nvidia Fog"... which should be called "Nvidia Work Around for a the bug we made"...

just my two swedish crowns ...
Old 06-24-2003, 08:57 PM   #15
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Comlicated Codec stuff

I just played "THE ONE" with Jet Li and it plays it with the director commentary and I have not been able to find out how to switch it off.

Mplayer refuses to play my D&D movie DVD the same as windows refuses to recognize that it even exists. Mus be codec/encryption?

[ Mah'Lanom ]


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