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Old 12-03-2008, 06:54 PM   #1
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Best recommended Distro for AMD64 athelon X2...

1) What would be the best recommended Distro for AMD64 athelon X2cpu, MSI motherboard, 1MB Ram, 250gbHD split into 125gb partitions, part1 winXP, part2 ???Linux Distro (as recommended), 1DVD & 1cdROM, 1usb 8gb pendrive.

2) Can a distro say..Kubuntu be uninstalled after its made its own third partition in the example above, the NEW distro re-installed??

Thanks for any suggestions, Dandy1
Old 12-03-2008, 07:41 PM   #2
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I'm using AMD and Intel processors. I don't think that any distribution is better on one brand or model of CPU than others. I recommend that you choose a distribution based on the look-and-feel and any other preferences that you may have.
Old 12-03-2008, 07:49 PM   #3
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2) yes it can...just pay attention to your partitioning during install

1) It's all about choice and what you like. I have basically the same hardware here (ati x1600 graphics card, and then the rest) and haven't run into problems. I'm using sidux, sabayon is good, but I don't recommend sab if you're new or don't have patience. Ubuntu just plain crashed me all the time, nothing against Ubuntu, that's just how it worked out. But there are a plethora of others to choose from. Sidux works for me, but you may not like it.
Old 12-03-2008, 07:52 PM   #4
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As stress_junkie advised, it doesn't matter because all (a great majority of?) distros offer 64-bit versions.
I don't think you can 'uninstall' any system. You just format a given partition (wiping out the system) or install
a new system (on the same partition as the old one) and again you need to format it to prepare the partition for the installation of a new system.
Old 12-04-2008, 04:01 AM   #5
Alberto Federman Neto
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Smile any distro runs

This hardware is the same of mine.
its powerfull.
all distros can runs..
i use: Sabayon, Gentoo, Mandriva, but any Linux should run well.
Gentoo based distros (Sabayon, Gentoo, VidaLinux, Tutoo, Pentoo,Luna, Librix, Litrix) are advantageous, because are compilation distros that will be fully optimized for the AMD MAchine.
Old 12-04-2008, 04:12 AM   #6
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Linux distro's can be chosen based on your need , how you want to use it and what purpose etc etc ....

google it ......


try these links ...

Last edited by peeths003; 12-04-2008 at 04:14 AM.


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