Originally posted by elfoozo
In the Windows world I used ThumbsPlus (www.cerious.com) for batch processing photos.
What utility in Linux would handle batch resizing large collections of digital photos where no user intervention is required? Like resizing 1600x1200 down to 800x600 or any other size of your choosing?
Also, how would you rename a large number of files like dsc_0001.jpg - dsc_0548.jpg to newfile001.jpg - newfile548.jpg in a batch?
The main utility for batch image processing is ImageMagick, which provides a number of command-line utilities for image processing. You probably want to look at the
utility for image resizing.
Renaming files like this is fairly simple to do using a BASH script. For information on bash, type:
I don't know how to do this kind of manipulation myself, but I'd be very surprised if this question hasn't already been answered on the forum.