Bad Partition Table?
Hey guys,
So this past week, I fdisk'd and formatted my laptop and then installed XP. The hard drive is 30gb, I alotted 20 for XP and 10 for FC2.
On a previous install on this same laptop, I received no errors while installing FC2; however, this time around I received the "bad partition table" and the "it's safe to ignore" message. I've done a lot of reading about it but nothing seems to relate to my problem:
I went ahead with the install and everything boots and works perfectly. There are no hard disk errors as checked with scandisk and chkdsk. Because I am a bit compulsive with my computer, I fdisk'd and formatted the computer again and, before attempting to install xp, put the FC2 cd into my drive. Of course, I received no bad partition error. Finally, I attempted to repartition with the XP setup (which is obviously a variation of fdisk) and then when I attempt to run the FC2 setup, I get the error again.
Granted, everything works, but I want to know what has caused this problem. Is it just the software misreading something or do I really have a problem with my drive?
I've done fdisk, fdisk /mbr, and even used Linux fdisk to see what's going on - the only error I get in linux is that the cylinders are greater than 1024.
What's the deal??
Thanks guys,
Oh, and for reference, I have a Dell Latitude d600. I have dual booted with XP and FC2 previously and received no error. Only this time around have I received errors.