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Old 11-26-2006, 02:26 AM   #16
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: Costa Rica
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I checked the config files and the log files themselves, i'll just have to triple check everything. It should be some stupid thing that's making awstats not pick up all the information and drop or take as corrupted so many lines.

Thanks for the help man. I'll be sure to post back with either success or more questions.
Old 11-27-2006, 01:38 AM   #17
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Moscow
Distribution: Debian, RHEL, FreeBSD, CentOS
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u said that u have awstats both on windows and linux. so tell me, where are you running analysis (with so terrible results)? is it Win or Linux? However, did you tried to run analysis on other system? for instance, if you've got this response on linux, did you tried to analyse ur logs on Windows?

it's really strange that you've got so many corrupted and dropped records. I thought that you have wrong log format (IIS logs are not native for awstats, I think), but then ALL records should be dropped (or marked as corrupted).

How many rows in ur log? try to divide ur log file in small portions (let say 100 rows in each) and feed awstats with them.. so you will be able to locate in which part of your log corrupted (or incorrect) records are..

keep us posted, and good luck
Old 12-08-2006, 12:50 AM   #18
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: Costa Rica
Distribution: Ubuntu, gOS, Debian & Slack 12
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Well, let's see. I installed awstats on my linux box, running FC4. I came up with the same bad results on both machines. A friend downloaded some other 2 analisis tools and they both throw a lot more info revised and very similar results. My first guess here would be that awstats cannot grab the big concatenated log file (we got a web cluster balanced with a CSS 11000, so i created a script that just appends all logs from one site on all 4 servers into a single log file for that site). I also triple checked the fields that awstats likes to have to process the logs correctly.

I'll keep trying.


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