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Old 04-11-2005, 10:59 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Québec
Distribution: Mandrake 10.1 Official
Posts: 104

Rep: Reputation: 15
autocad on linux?

autocad's the only reason why i still have a dual booth system and stick to windows. i could never get it to work on linux and i use it all the time. then, some time ago, i registered to transgaming and downlaoded cedega. cedega' s great, makes a lot of stuff work. of course, i is tried autocad. i got it installed, there's an icon on my desktop and its in the poin2play menu. but when i try to open it, it wont work. the "opening autocad" appears on the taskbar but after some time, it disappear and does not open?

oh and its autocad 2002 (i know that 2004's the best, but i have a quite good personalised menu and wont bother transfering it to 2004)

so long, and thanks for all the fish
Old 04-12-2005, 04:07 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Have you ever tried qcad. I know its packaged by some Linux distros but I don't know if it will be the right app for you.
Old 04-12-2005, 04:17 AM   #3
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I took this from another one of my posts reguarding installing Turbocad but it seems to apply here as well:

I have tried in vain to get AutoCad 2002 and LT configured under WINE but it's just not worth it. I have a duel boot machine and do a lot of Acad so it's a back and fourth thing. Really, unless I need to use acad I don't even go into windows much anymore.

I have Q,Cad (yuck) and VariCad (just OK) on my Linux box and they do OK for small things but don't come close to Autodesk. I even tried to Beta Test BricsCads (so called) Linux version of Intellicad 5. but It's not native and also works under Wine... It's a farily good program and can read .dwg files but still, not much good if it does'nt work.

Have not tried it under "cedega" either but am not even going toattempt. I'm pretty sure VMware would do it but have not had the time to research it. For now I'll just have to surffice with the duel boot as well.

Old 04-12-2005, 10:44 PM   #4
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Palo Alto, CA
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Posts: 472

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Take a look at
-> softwares
-> CAD/Rendering/Graphics

and see if anything is useful. Never used any, so can't
recommend any.



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