audio mess, configuration problems, no volume control
im writing this here because the problem is entirely a software issue, hardware works fine and i can get audio to play, however it would appear most streams are running through pulseaudio which only has one means through pavumixer to actually adjust audio, no other volume icons work, they all seemingly control alsa and i can get volume controls to function properly with ALSA output by mapping it through a softvol master in the .asoundrc file, but if i do that i lose out on sound entirely unless its played directly through an ALSA source
what i believe is going on is streams are going directly through pulseaudio, bypassing alsa entirely and not having a simple volume control or hotkeys to function with pulseaudio theres no simple way to control volume without clicking through menus
what im leaning towards doing is scrapping pulseaudio entirely as it seems i cant get any volume applets/icons to effectively turn down my HDMI audio