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Old 08-27-2007, 07:56 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2007
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Attempting to recover from kernel panic with bad root inode


I have a Microspace PCX48 computer (1GB RAM, 1GHz Celeron373, 512K L2 Cache, 16GB flash disk). It is running Mandriva 2007 Free edition (not spring), and it has three partitions on it: (/boot, /, and swap). It seemed to be working well enough until a few days ago, when it froze. When I rebooted it, it hung during boot, so I booted in the recovery mode of Mandriva. It went through the following commands and froze:

Creating root device
Trying to resume from /dev/hda5
Mounting root fs /dev/root
EXT3-fs corrupt root inode, run e2fsck
mount: error 22 mounting ext3
Switching to new root
Error opening /dev/console!!!!:2
Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
So I booted the system using RIP (Recovery Is Possible), and I had no problems mounting the /boot partition; however, when I tried to mount the / partition (/dev/hda6), I received this error:

# mount /dev/hda6 /mnt/hd
EXT3-fs: corrupt root inode, run e2fsck
So I ran e2fsck on the partition:

# e2fsck /dev/hda6
Root inode is not a directory.  Clear <y>? y
*** glibc detected *** realloc(): invalid pointer 0x0809aa70
I'm not sure what to do here. I would like to get access to the data on the drive, but more importantly, I want to know what caused the error in the first place. You see, this computer normally runs isolated and I have to administrate it remotely (I mean *really* remotely, as in on a mountain in the Andes), so I want to make sure this sort of problem doesn't happen again.

What can cause a root inode to fail? RAM, bad hard drive, software errors? I ran memtest86+ on the RAM for a couple of days and it came up negative. Perhaps it is a hardware problem with the 16GB flash drive? Is it normal to get errors with these things? Is there a way I can test it, or should I just format it and run fsck on it to look for bad blocks or some such? Ideas?

Is it even possible to get access to my data on / or is it lost forever?

Why would e2fsck fail when it detects glibc? This seems like it is a problem with RIP as opposed to the file system giving it problems, but I cannot see any reference to such an error with fsck in my googling.

Thanks for the help in advance!
Old 08-27-2007, 08:38 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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In your post Mandriva reports errors on /dev/hda5 and you try to fix /dev/hda6. I assume that this is a typo.

"Is it even possible to get access to my data on / or is it lost forever?"

One thing that you might try is to point e2fsck to an alternate superblock. The superblocks are redundant and the superblock at block 0could be bad while other superblocks are still intact.

e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/hda6

"What can cause a root inode to fail? RAM, bad hard drive, software errors?"

The most likely explanation in your case is that when Mandriva froze some cache buffers did not get written out thus leaving the file system corrupt. This begs the question of why Mandriva froze.

Steve Stites
Old 08-27-2007, 10:23 PM   #3
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To ensure you use a valid backup superblock, try this to get a list
dumpe2fs /dev/hda6 | grep -i superb


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