apt-get problems
Hi Guys,
n00b here and having problems with apt-get. I am running RH9 and I am using apt-get ( I thought it was only for Debian but I got the binaries and installed it, seemed to go on just fine) Then I went to use apt-get (a package that I am truely impressed with just a few simiple commands and your system is up to date or new packages installed or removed - brilliant), first of all I decided to update KDE and so I went:
apt-get install KDE
all went fine, lots of lines went whizzing past on my screen as it downloaded each package then with about 10mins to go it said the connection to the server was lost (ayo.freshrpms.net) and it just died. Now where does that leave my update of KDE is it Kiboshed? Do I have to do re-install, can I contintue updating KDE by simply typing in the same command - as in will it pick up where it left off? If I try any other packages for apt-get the following error:
apt-get install qt
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package qt