Apollon - I'm stuck
Well, I consider myself to be pretty competent, but I've been unable to get Apollon on my computer in any of the formats its available. I figured that the "All-in-one" package would be the easiest to install from, used "sh apollon-installer-0.5.run" and this is what Konsole returned:
"Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Apollon............................................................................................. ..........................................................
.................................................................................................... .................................................................
.................................................................................................... .................................................................
.................................................................................................... .................................................................
.................................................................................................... .................................................................
Please wait while the Arkollon installer is compiled
This may take a few moments
Warning: an error occured running make. Check the .arkcomp-log file created in your home directory"
However, that file wasn't created. so I can't tell you what it says.
Then, I tried to install it using the .rpm files. Here's what I get then:
"[stephen@Aliant Desktop]$ rpm -Uvh giftd-0.11.6-1.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
libgift = 0.11.6 is needed by giftd-0.11.6-1
libgift.so.0 is needed by giftd-0.11.6-1
libgiftproto = 0.11.6 is needed by giftd-0.11.6-1
libgiftproto.so.0 is needed by giftd-0.11.6-1"
Has anyone had the same problem, or know what I'm doing wrong?? I'd appriciate any help.