Recompiling a kernel seems like a big task, but it's not so difficult once you get into it. If you want to preserve your existing .config settings (note the dot) then the general series of steps you'd want to take would be as follows:
1. Get the latest kernel from and save it to /usr/src, then untar it. That will create a new directory, with the name corresponding to the version.
2. Delete the existing symlink to /usr/src/linux (if one exists) then recreate it, pointing to the new directory. Example (using 2.6.9)
ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.9 /usr/src/linux
3. Copy your existing .config file to /usr/src/linux The existing file will be in /usr/src/<old version directory>
4. Run "make oldconfig" (no quotes). This will re-use your existing config settings. Proceed with making any other kernel configuration changes as well. This is where you enable or disable any particular kernel parameters.
5. Save your new .config file, then recompile the kernel by running
make modules
make modules_install
make bzImage
6. Copy the new kernel and corresponding .config file to your boot directory (name them in such a way that they are clearly identified, and make sure not to overwrite the existing kernel in case you need to fall back)
cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/kernel-2.6.9
cp /usr/src/linux/.config /boot/config-2.6.9
7. If you use lilo, open up lilo.conf (in the /etc directory) and add the new kernel to the set of choices. Be sure to rerun lilo, so that those changes take effect - just run "/sbin/lilo" (no quotes). If you use GRUB, add the new kernel there. Reboot, and your new kernel should be an option. Note that if it doesn't work, you can just fall back to your previous kernel.
All of the above needs to be run as root, and note that I'm only using 2.6.9 as an example. You'll need to adjust things to fit whichever kernel version you decide to use. Lastly, I'm writing the above from memory, so if anyone sees any omissions or errors, please chime in with a correction. It may also be worthwhile to review some of the other threads here at LQ regarding kernel recompiles. Good luck with it -- J.W.