Apache2, SSL, 2 Virtual Hosts
Hey All, I hope things rings a bell for someone, I've been stumped so far...
My goal is two host 2 websites on one server, with 1 IP address and have the primary website be able to use ssl with a certificate. I was able to do this fine in v1.3.x of Apache, but since I've upgraded the server to 2.x I've not been able to get my ssl to work. This is the error I get:
'The connection to ***************** has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transmitted.'
I note no error in the ssl logs, or httpd logs when I make that request. I have two virtual hosts set up, for 2 websites. I only need ssl/https for one site, and have purchased and configured the cert.
If I disable virtual hosts conf file, and just serve the one website, I can get my secure connection just fine and peachy. However, once I use my vhost.conf file again I receive the above error.
I think there must be a way to use ssl for the first virtual host directive, and then not use the ssl for the second virtual host. I've been scouring the web for an answer, but don't have one quite yet. If anyone has any clues on this I will be very very happy.
Thanks. Bob