Here is an alias from the default httpd.conf apache installation of my distro.
Alias /icons/ "/var/www/icons/"
<Directory "/var/www/icons">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
From lines above, the alias is "/icons/" -with the ending "/" - and when the URL
http://localhost:80/icons/ is requested by my browser the content of /var/www/icons/ directory is displayed.
In your case :
Alias /foler "/home/folder"
Don't forget to put right permissions on the directory /home/folder". The user/group used by Apache must have the rights read + execute on your directory and the files inside the must be set to read for the User/Group used by Apache
Here is an other section of my httpd.conf :
User nobody
Group nobody
So in my case Apache runs under the User/Group nobody/nobody. See yours to set the right permissions on your /home/folder directory.