Originally Posted by Markness
Now if anyone else has time, I have domains that need to be set to my server. IE: mohawk-paintball
I'm not good enough for ya? If you have multiple sites you wanna host, we can go over Virtual Hosting next, if you like.
Ok here is the recap:
Based on what we went through in this thread, it appears that when you built PHP against the Apache you had installed in /usr/local/apache2, the PHP module didn't make it to the right place. Somehow your PHP5 module made it to /usr/lib/httpd/modules, which makes me think PHP5 might have been built using apxs in /usr/sbin or somewhere other than /usr/local/apache2/bin.
We spent a TON of time trying to get the PHP module loaded and MIME type defined to your /usr/local/apache2 installation, without any luck.
Once I learned you had Apache 2.2 already installed in /usr/sbin (and so on), we bailed on your /usr/local/apache2 installation and used the other one (the one you're using now) which had all of the modules I had expected to be in your /usr/local/apache2 installation.
I've built "LAMP" (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) boxes in the past and all from source with very little problems at all BUT I tend to go with a simpler installation method than having files scattered about the filesystem (like the Apache installation that's working now for you).
Now that PHP is working for you, you'll have to get it setup for the sites you plan to host that will need PHP. Some PHP scripts will want globals_registered to be on by default and some will want it off, for example. You can tailor PHP settings on a per-virtual host basis, once you understand how virtual hosting works.
So, I suggest you read the
Virtual Host documentation and then you can start a new thread on virtual hosting, but ONLY after you search the forums for 'virtual hosting' and 'virtual host' first to make sure your outstanding questions haven't already been answered.
Lemme know if you have any questions. I'm heading home now so I'll be offline for about 30 mins.