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Old 10-19-2004, 06:52 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux unstable
Posts: 7

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Anjuta installation problem on Mandrake 10.1

Hi to all.

I have already installed 10.1 to my pc. I had 10.0 community adition. It had 4 cds that one of them was for extra bonus pack which includes used libraries in developing sessions. So i managed to install anjuta.

But in 10.1 i couldnt find the packets that anjuta depends.

How can i install the depended packages by using the 10.0 cds. I installed on libc++ rpm from 4th cd, but it takes too much time to find the right packet and its dependency. Is there a way like using mandrake draketool that will show me the info of rpm and will install the packages with their dependencies?

And also while installing a new software like anjuta or like the ones that need ./configure and make, is there an asisstant software that i can use for the software i want to install that will install the software by installing the required dependecies via downloading them from web or from a cd?

I tried to install glibc. After ./configure sessisn had been invoked from another directory with the --prefix=/usr/local/glibc2 --enable-add-ons=linusthreads parametres i launched make. But after make had launched and done some configuration it gave me error: "sscanf is already defined at the above directory"

Now i wonder whether my other libraries or programs will still work as before. And how can i install that glibc2. Becuase i want to use devhelp.


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