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SharpyWarpy 02-06-2003 08:13 PM

Aiptek Pocket DV drivers
Anybody know of drivers for Gphoto for Aiptek Pocket DV camera? I have to boot Windows to download my photos/videos (argh).
Any other progies besides gphoto capable of working with this camera?

q__ 09-20-2003 04:41 PM

eugeny 12-12-2003 04:40 PM

I have the same problem! (AIPTEK megacam(1.3M,16Mb(RAM) 0x4fc , 0x504a).
I added in /etc/fstab

#Sandisk Imagemate USB device (compactflash)

/dev/sda1 /mnt/flash vfat user,noauto 0 0

and insmod fat (vfat) returned that theese modeles already exist.

mount /mnt/flash returns:
"special device /dev/sda1 does not exist".

Please answer if you solved the problem or have any suggestions in how to solve it!

Thenx for your attention!

SharpyWarpy 12-13-2003 06:04 AM

To eugeny:
I don't know why q__ replied with what he did, this doesn't address our problem at all since we have an entirely different camera. He doesn't explain the details of creating a device, either. No offense, q__, but I noticed you replied to another thread of this kind the same way. Does not help, it only confused me.

eugeny 12-13-2003 06:48 AM

So I undestood that I'll just have to wait until GPhoto2 (may be 3) will change status of drivers for my camera from experimental. :)
I've heard about spca50x driver, but I don't know how to install it ;) (I'm just another newbie)
If anyone knows how to connect Aiptek Megacam (0x4fc , 0x504a), please answer!

SharpyWarpy 12-13-2003 07:40 AM

I tried to install spca50x driver with
insmod spca50x
and all I got was "could not find kernel version spca50x was compiled with", in spite of my running the appropriate kernel version. I tried compiling the source and still got the same error message.
I'm running Mandrake 9.2 on an AMD Duron 1.3ghz with 256mb ram, ECS motherboard with USB capability, kernel version 2.4.22-10mdk.

SharpyWarpy 12-13-2003 07:53 AM

According to what I read on the spca50x driver it doesn't really support Aiptek pocket DV anyway. Our only alternatives are Windows or a different camera, one supported by gphoto2. Here's a list of those cameras supported by gphoto2.

eugeny 12-13-2003 08:29 AM

It seems that your pocket DV isn't supported by spca50x, but MegaCam lists as supported!

I downloaded the spca50x-gcc-3.2-linux-2.2.20-module-0.30.tar.gz
uncompressed & tried insmod=> got the same message:

[root@localhost eugeny]# insmod spca50x-0.30.o
spca50x-0.30.o: kernel-module version mismatch
spca50x-0.30.o was compiled for kernel version 2.2.20
while this kernel is version 2.4.22-6mdk.

then I downloaded spca50x-src-0.30.tar.gz
uncompressed it and>

[root@localhost eugeny]# make
Linking spca50x.o
ld: unrecognized option '--relocateable'
ld: use the --help option for usage information
make: *** [binary] ?????? 1 (it means Error)

eugeny 12-13-2003 08:33 AM

Also when i try to work with gphoto2 autodetect option finds my cam, but when I try to connect, gphoto2 clears the memory!

SharpyWarpy 12-13-2003 08:41 AM

The gphoto2 error might be because you don't have the driver installed yet. Try your compile again after reading the following:

eugeny 12-13-2003 10:24 AM

I compiled spca50x from cvs
insmod spca50x return

[root@localhost aiptek_megacam-0.2]# insmod spca50x
Using /lib/modules/2.4.22-6mdk/kernel/drivers/usb/spca50x.o
/lib/modules/2.4.22-6mdk/kernel/drivers/usb/spca50x.o: unresolved symbol video_proc_entry_R5c405287
/lib/modules/2.4.22-6mdk/kernel/drivers/usb/spca50x.o: unresolved symbol video_register_device_Rbdd20592
/lib/modules/2.4.22-6mdk/kernel/drivers/usb/spca50x.o: unresolved symbol video_unregister_device_Rca930d10

and gphoto2 still clear memory while accessing my cam:(

eugeny 12-13-2003 10:45 AM



May be that module will be useful...

eugeny 12-13-2003 10:52 AM

Sorry I gave you link to a file, not a page.

SharpyWarpy 12-13-2003 12:57 PM

From the "unresolved symbor" messages, it looks like your module might not have loaded. Do "lsmod" and see if spca50x is loaded.

eugeny 12-13-2003 04:11 PM

lsmod shows spca module!
I've got results! Gnome meeteng can proceed video test and I can even access my cam via xsane, with results containig grey stripe on the top of black screen!
But it would be better if I could connct to a filesystem of cam!

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