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Old 02-07-2007, 07:34 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Adobe Flash 9.0: No sound.

I'm running Mandriva 2007 with Firefox When I go to play a Flash video known to have sound, I get the video but no sound. I've been to Adobe's forums and they were about as much help as nail in the gut.

Things I've already tried:

#1. Disable the KDE Sound System. I've had issues with it interfering before.
#2. Add username to audio group in /etc/group
#3. Create a firefoxrc file in /usr/local/firefox and add the line FIREFOX-DSP="aoss". I also tried using ="alsa" and ="oss"

I just installed Mandriva a couple of days ago. The issue only seems to be affecting Flash, because MPlayer and Amarok both work. And of course, before I turned it off, the KDE sound system worked.

Has anyone found a solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance.
Old 02-07-2007, 09:29 PM   #2
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Life is good! I found the solution!
Here's the link in case anyone else might have the same problem.
Old 02-19-2007, 09:09 PM   #3
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i think i see the fix, but could you translate it to step 1, step 2, etc? i do redhat 9, so suspect i am caught alsa-less. i copy/pasted the crytic command into terminal with little protest, but am still struck dump in flash 9.

also surprised there isn't a line for this topic. flash 9 should allow us to return to civilization.
Old 02-22-2007, 07:22 PM   #4
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The first thing is to install the Flash Player plug-in from Adobe. Adobe has instructions for that.

Afterward you go to the site above.

Dependencies are listed on the site, so just use your package manager to get them (yum on Red-Hat, I think) or Download the source, if that's what you prefer.

Then you just download the file at the end of the page. "flashsupport.c"
Then enter the following at a terminal. This is what was on their site.

 cc -shared -O2 -Wall -Werror -licuuc -lssl flashsupport.c -o
 sudo cp /usr/lib
That should work.
Old 02-23-2007, 03:49 PM   #5
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thanks, man. i think i've done that, since i can do the thing that says i am running flash 9. still no sound, but the bigger problem is my browser Mozilla 1.7.12 keeps bailing. i get small explosions/flashes on screen from ads. sometimes browser survives, mostly not. thinking it's monitor thing; will post problem when i do so more intelligently.
Old 03-12-2007, 06:05 PM   #6
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why is that flashsupport.c not hosted at adobe? who is kaurantin?
Old 03-13-2007, 05:07 PM   #7
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flashsupport.c is hosted at adobe. this guy is simply altering the source to work with his distro. my feeble attempts were not so successful. flash9 wants alsa, which i have not been able to install on rh9. so, i'm back to flash7. a side note: if you don't have something faster than slow dsl, you can forget some sites (e.g. starbucks) even with flash9.
Old 03-20-2007, 09:56 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by ceannfeachd
 cc -shared -O2 -Wall -Werror -licuuc -lssl flashsupport.c -o
 sudo cp /usr/lib
That should work.
This should be:

cc -shared -O2 -Wall -Werror -licuuc -lssl flashsupport.c -o
sudo cp /usr/lib
Also, I left out -licuuc, because I didn't have it on my system, and it compiled and linked fine without any modifications to flashsupport.c.

Anyway, thanks for the pointer. Now I finally have audio on!
Old 04-23-2007, 09:38 AM   #9
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Will this work on other Distros

AMENDED>> Please see my post further down

Last edited by eilz; 04-23-2007 at 07:27 PM.
Old 04-23-2007, 10:48 AM   #10
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First of all, you should open your own thread with your sound issue. You are hijacking this thread.

I will try and answer some of your questions. Please open a new thread if this doesn't answer all of them.

I suspect from what you have posted, your basic sound is not working at all. This is not an uncommon problem with new installs. Sound cards are hard to detect, and load the correct driver.

Next, you said you are using DSL, have you installed it on the hard drive, or is this running from the CD? The fix could be as simple as start up a mixer, and turn up the volume, or turn off mute.

Do you have a driver loaded for the card. To see, open a bash console, and run the command /sbin/lsmod. Look through the output for the presence of the driver. ( If you are lost, you can see why opening your own thread is important.)

In order to compile anything, there are some system tools you need to install. I would have to go to the DSL support site to figure out just what to install. Basically DSL becomes Debain once it is on the DH. It was never intended to be install to a HD and updated. It is more of a linux tool, a live CD. I use it to fix broken winders systems, and to try new stuff.

I mean can someone copy the plugins once compiled and place it onto another machine, would it work.
This is just a plugin, I would guess it would work on another machine. However, I wouldn't guarantee it. Anything that deals with the kernel will not work unless it is compiled on the same kernel with the correct source.
Old 04-23-2007, 07:26 PM   #11
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Will this work on other Distros

appologies for hijacking thread,

using XDSL, (DSL) I do have sound working ok, but just not when I run a flash video, flash 7 work but cuts out, flash 9 only displays video but no sound. I am limited to OSS sound, which is why I think flash9 doesn't allow for sound as its setup to use alsa I think. I have XDSL installed on an xbox, a version of DSL on a loopback install. The weird thing is, I can get sound working ok if I use WINE and a windows firefox/opera browser with flash9 install and sound is ok, but cpu/memory isn't which is why I am trying to find a way to get unix flash9 on firefox (linux) to pickup sound without using WINE, and read this thread and thought it may help to recompile the c file to get sound on OSS

Hope that makes a bit more sense.

Linux newbie would appreciate any help

Last edited by eilz; 04-24-2007 at 09:37 AM.
Old 04-24-2007, 04:58 PM   #12
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I did some Goggling, and found this.

Flash Player 9, according to Adobe's release notes, needs at least an 800 MHz or faster processor, 512MB of RAM, 128MB of graphics memory, and ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) compatible audio hardware. Note: it will not work with OSS (Open Sound System) audio. If you try to run it with OSS (Open Sound System) or ESD (Enlightened Sound Daemon), you won't get an error message; you simply won't get any audio.
It appears you are out of luck with OSS. Is there some reason you can not use Alsa?
Old 04-24-2007, 07:04 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by camorri
I did some Goggling, and found this.

It appears you are out of luck with OSS. Is there some reason you can not use Alsa?

No, as far as I know no one has been able to get ALSA to work on the system, several have tried. The weird thing is that, if I run Firefox using WINE (windows version of firefox) and download the windows version of flash 9 it works fine (picture and sound), but because its so memory and cpu hungry it stuggles to play for longer than a few minutes. So I can't belive there is no way to get the flash player working with OSS, flash version 7 works with sound on firefox linux, but sounds like the chipmunks and totally out of sync with the video.

Can you compile the flashsupport.c file to allow you to force flash9 to use OSS?


Last edited by eilz; 04-24-2007 at 07:07 PM.
Old 04-24-2007, 09:25 PM   #14
Registered: Sep 2005
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my understanding is that you need the adobe flash 9 source code. this article
is the best i've seen on the subject.

after a kernel and browser change, i sorta have a system that plays flash 9 until browser crashes or system freezes (careful what you wish for). i see a direction in downloading flash (e.g. youtube videos) using mplayer and mencoder. would this be a solutuon?
Old 09-06-2007, 02:58 AM   #15
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OMFG D00D...

I have been struggling to get Flash working correctly for MONTHS. I literally mean MONTHS... nearly a year. I have tried EVERYTHING I could find on groups/forums/searches/google to get this working.

This worked!!

(note: there is an error in the commands, where they incorrectly reference the wrong filename, but who cares LOL)

I freakin' owe you one d00d!

I'm happy. YouTube here I come!!



alsa, flash, flash9, oss, plugin, sound, yum

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