i tried to use local1 for apache error log but ( in syslog client)
my teacher asked me to create a new one
here what i did
source my_src {
But when i restart syslog it tels that it has not the permession to
open apache error log
linux-c4z2:/home/sami # rcsyslog restart
Shutting down syslog services done
Re-Starting syslog servicesError opening file /var/log/apache2/error_log for reading (Permission denied)
Error initializing configuration, exiting.
startproc: exit status of parent of /sbin/syslog-ng: 1
Could somene her tel me
1 is it the better way to replace the
Errorlog syslog:local1 in /etc/apache2/mod_log_config.conf
because ia want to change it with Errorlog syslog:new_Facility
2 if no could some one help me because i am blocked here for more then 3 days .