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Old 02-03-2009, 04:33 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Exclamation Adept APT Error....

I'm a new user to linux, right now I'm using Kubuntu..thanks to my boyfriend...

but anyway..
When I try to download anything using Adept, it comes up with an error message...that says..

APT Error. Context:
Package Download Failed.
I wasn't able to locate file for the libc6-dev package. This might mean you need to fix the package manually.

What does that mean, other then the package failed to download? How do I fix Adept so that it will download and stop giving me this message...
How do I fix the package manually?

I literally can't download anything because it gives me the error message. It's probably something really simple, but keep it in the simplest terms for me..I'm a bit computer-illiterate.


Last edited by weird; 02-03-2009 at 04:40 PM.
Old 02-04-2009, 09:02 AM   #2
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You'll have to forgive me, as I haven't used Kubuntu (and I do not use KDE - the desktop environment Kubuntu uses).

One of the possible reasons that you're getting this message is that your "APT cache" is out of sync with the repositories (other servers where packages are kept).

To update it, make sure Adept is closed and click the main menu on the task bar (might be the letter "K" in a big, blue block...might be something else...I don't know). Then, click on "Run Command" or something similar. In the little dialog box that pops up, try typing in "konsole" and then pressing Enter.

A new window will pop up - this is a terminal. Type in
sudo aptitude update
and if it asks you for a password, type in the password you use to log in with.

When it is finished, try starting Adept again, and installing whatever it was that you were trying to install before.
Old 02-09-2009, 08:35 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Thanks, that helped fix the problem, but now it's giving me another error...........

Ugh..I'm so lost. :/

This time..
APT Error: Context:
Package download failed.
Wasn't able to locate the file for the libsdl-mixer.2 package. This might mean you might manually need to fix this package. (due to missing arch)

what is the missing arch..and how do I fix this..?

sorry about the late reply..I've been kind of busy with school. :/
Old 02-10-2009, 09:42 AM   #4
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Hey - no problems. I only manage to provide, somewhat, quick responses because I am fortunate enough to have a job where computer use is a must.

"Arch" is short-form for "architecture" - it refers to the design of your processor (CPU). All you need to know, is that there are different processor architectures out there, and what their names are:

"i386" - Intel-class processors. i386 works on almost everything - it can also be referred to as "x86", but the two names are NOT synonymous.

"PPC" or "PowerPC" - For Apple computers before they switched to Intel processors.

"sparc" and "sparc64" - 32- and 64-bit Sun Microsystems SPARC processors.

"amd64" - 64-bit AMD Turion processors.

"x86_64" - Intel single- and dual-core 64-bit processors.

The only time I have ever heard of "arch problems" was when somebody was using an earlier version of a 64-bit Linux distribution.

Could you please open Konsole again, and post the output of the following command:
$ uname -a
Also, I would suggest trying to install the package from the command-line:
$ sudo aptitude install libsdl-mixer
Old 02-10-2009, 06:16 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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The console replied with this, for the uname -a

utc 2008 i686 gnu/linux

it replied to the second line with another arch error...
Old 02-10-2009, 06:24 PM   #6
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1. Machine Specifications?
2. Kubuntu version?

# = shell prompt

#sudo apt-get check
<your passwd>
In adept repositories enable your kubuntu cdrom (if you have it)

#sudo apt-get check

How do you connect to the Internet?

I think you have a 64-bit machine (x86-64) and you have put in a 32-bit kubuntu?



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