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Old 02-04-2003, 08:05 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2002
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I've got severals pbs with mplayer and acidrip.

I use mplayer with a lot of satisfaction on a pentium 3 550 mhz.

Divix, radios....

if i compile it with libvacodec support, i am not able to listen to my favorites radios stations anymore.

it interrupts after 3 seconds and stops.

I post this message for a pb with acidrip :

I can't use it.

It has worked fine just one time.

I use the current version : 0.7

I installed lsdvd.

I use a debian woody. (stable)

when i start, acidrip told me that it has finished encoding, even it didn't begin ;-)

An idea?

thanks a lot.
Old 02-04-2003, 09:32 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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I'm not totally sure about the listening to radio with mplayer.

acidrip, I had the same problem on my Slack 8.1 where everything loaded fine, but when to rip the dvd, it would just say that it was finished immediately without ever ripping the movie.

What I suggest is your probably going to want to uninstall acidrip, lsdvd and mplayer. Then reinstall mplayer first, lsdvd and then acidrip and that worked for me. Not sure really why but probably just a goof while installing.

But if you can, after trying to start the rip and it just says its finished immediately, send the log output to the creator acid, he'll want to take a look at it, I goofed when he asked for it from me and I had already wiped out and reinstalled.
Old 02-04-2003, 01:52 PM   #3
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you already emailed me abuot this directly didn't you? must be you as i've never heard anyone say "pb" instead of "problem" before I replied to your email, sayign to email me the logs and try the acidrip-current on my site.

as for mplayer, give some useful errors and maybe someone can help you.
Old 02-04-2003, 02:02 PM   #4
LQ Guru
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Originally posted by acid_kewpie
must be you as i've never heard anyone say "pb" instead of "problem" before
So that's what that pb stands for.. wow.. never seen that used before for a word like that, makes it hard to read and understand. Is it so hard to just spell "problem" out ?? Oh well.
Old 02-04-2003, 02:51 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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hello Acid

I can tell you that never e-mailed you directly, and of course I didn't received any email from you.
I suppose you wanted me to give you some usefuls errors ?

here it is :

"Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /
usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/AcidRip/ line 124."

thanks a lot. I will try to follow yours advices.
Old 02-04-2003, 03:02 PM   #6
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no, i said the log file... click the VERY bottom right corner of the app.

ok seems i didn't reply... but you somehow submitted the bug three times....
Old 02-04-2003, 03:17 PM   #7
LQ Newbie
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AcidRip message - video_codec has been set to frameno
AcidRip message - frameno - special audio-only file for 3-pass encoding, see DOCS!
AcidRip message - audio_codec has been set to mp3lame
AcidRip message - mp3lame - cbr/abr/vbr MP3 using libmp3lame
AcidRip message - video_codec has been set to lavc
AcidRip message - lavc - using libavcodec codecs - best quality!
AcidRip message - video_codec has been set to lavc
AcidRip message - lavc - using libavcodec codecs - best quality!
AcidRip message - filesize has been set to 650
AcidRip message - filesize has been set to 650
AcidRip message - scale_enable has been set to 1
AcidRip message - audio_codec has been set to mp3lame
AcidRip message - mp3lame - cbr/abr/vbr MP3 using libmp3lame
AcidRip message - audio_codec has been set to mp3lame
AcidRip message - mp3lame - cbr/abr/vbr MP3 using libmp3lame
AcidRip message - crop_enable has been set to 1
AcidRip message - scale_auto has been set to 1
AcidRip message - get_title_name has been set to 1
AcidRip message - tooltips has been set to 1
AcidRip message - AcidRip 0.7, "Written" by Chris Phillips <>
AcidRip message - Loading DVD... please wait
AcidRip message - libdvdcss debug: GetASF authenticated
libdvdcss debug: already authenticated
Disc Title: DVD_VIDEO
Title: 01, Length: 03:19:41 Chapters: 66, Cells: 66, Audio streams: 04, Subpictures: 13
VTS: 01, TTN: 01, FPS: 25.00, Format: PAL, Aspect ratio: 16/9, Width: 720, Height: 576, DF: Letterbox
Number of Angles: 1
Audio: 1, Language: en - English, Format: ac3, Frequency: 48kHz, Quantization: drc, Channels: 6, AP: 0, Content: Undefined
Audio: 2, Language: de - Deutsch, Format: ac3, Frequency: 48kHz, Quantization: drc, Channels: 2, AP: 0, Content: Undefined
Audio: 3, Language: fr - Francais, Format: ac3, Frequency: 48kHz, Quantization: drc, Channels: 6, AP: 0, Content: Undefined
Audio: 4, Language: en - English, Format: ac3, Frequency: 48kHz, Quantization: drc, Channels: 2, AP: 0, Content: Undefined

Chapter: 01, Length: 00:03:37
Chapter: 02, Length: 00:05:24
Chapter: 03, Length: 00:02:56

AcidRip message - DVD successfully read
AcidRip message - selected_subp changed to -1
AcidRip message - selected_subp changed to -1
AcidRip message - Selected Track 1 - Aspect: 16/9, Format: PAL, Size: 720x576
AcidRip message - selected_audio changed to 3 - Channels 6 frequency 48kHz quantization drc
AcidRip message - selected_audio changed to 3 - Channels 6 frequency 48kHz quantization drc
AcidRip message - Crop detection in progress... please wait
AcidRip message - Crop detection completed
AcidRip message - video_2pass has been set to 1
AcidRip message - File already exists, refusing to overwrite

Here what i can read when I click the bottom right corner of the app.


Is that what you expected me to send you?
Old 02-04-2003, 03:28 PM   #8
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AcidRip message - File already exists, refusing to overwrite
there you go... up to 0.7 the file will not be overwritten if one already exists with that name.


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