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Old 03-14-2006, 10:03 PM   #1
Senior Member
Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 3,695

Rep: Reputation: 56
About grub version

Hi folks,

Does grub-0.97.tar.gz work on kernel-2.4.26. If NO, please advise which is the up-to-date version to work on kernel-2.4.26 (linux-2.4.26)? TIA

Old 03-14-2006, 11:24 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: Statesboro, GA
Distribution: Arch Linux 2007.05 "Duke" (Kernel 2.6.21)
Posts: 447

Rep: Reputation: 30
My guess is that grub 0.97 would work just fine on kernel 2.4.26, given that the libraries and the like are up to date. (Since the bootloader doesn't exactly have much to do with the kernel, except to initiate it's boot.)
Old 03-15-2006, 12:59 AM   #3
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Hi xpromisex,

Tks for your advice.

Since the bootloader doesn't exactly have much to do with the kernel, except to initiate it's boot.
That is my problem.

I have a USB pendrive with DSL 2.2b running on it. I want to make the pendrive as Hard Drive running Grub as bootloader. The pendrive has 2 partitions, partition-1 as swap and partition-2 running with the OS.

I installed Grub-0.97 on the pendrive and the installation went through without complaint (I used the steps described on LFS 6.1.1. I did it there before following their steps and the bootloader worked afterwards without problem). On starting the PC the bootloader, Grub, failed to boot.

I tried following options on BIOS;
- SCSI (an USB 2.0 PCI controller installed on this box. I used its USB port booting the pendrive as SCSI without result)

For the abovementioned failure I hesitate whether Grub-0.97 worked on kernel-2.4.26 which was running on DSL 2.2b

Old 03-15-2006, 05:47 PM   #4
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: Statesboro, GA
Distribution: Arch Linux 2007.05 "Duke" (Kernel 2.6.21)
Posts: 447

Rep: Reputation: 30

I know what the problem is - You never touched the computers bootloader, just the pendrives.

So you either need to add GRUB and the DSL install to the computers MBR, or change the bootloader on your computer to something like Acronis' OS Selector.

If you want to keep Windows's NTLDR on your harddrive's MBR, you can use Thisto help. Just follow the steps under the "Dual Boot Setup" portion of the walkthrough. Hope this helps!
Old 03-15-2006, 06:27 PM   #5
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Hi xpromisex,

Tks for your further advice.

So you either need to add GRUB and the DSL install to the computers MBR, or change the bootloader on your computer to something like Acronis' OS Selector.
If I understand your advice correctly. I need creating a partition on the pendrive for grub and a booting device such as syslinux, etc. and make this partition bootable during partitioning. This partition, a small section on the pendrive, will be the MBR ???

Which option on the BIOS shall I select;


If you want to keep Windows's NTLDR on your harddrive's MBR...
I don't have Windows running on the pendrive. Tks for your link. I'll keep it for future use.

Old 03-16-2006, 06:30 PM   #6
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: Statesboro, GA
Distribution: Arch Linux 2007.05 "Duke" (Kernel 2.6.21)
Posts: 447

Rep: Reputation: 30
Okay - it's obvious that I have worded a lot of things wrong in there. (and your misunderstanding isn't your fault)

Okay - to boot to the DSL install off of the pendrive, you need to allow Windows bootloader(off of the comp's harddrive) to do so. (or install GRUB as your bootloader on the Computer's harddrive)

To allow NTLDR (the Windows Bootloader) to boot the Linux partition on your pendrive, you need to follow the steps outlined in the link I posted above.

However helpful all of this is - I believe that DSL has a website about

Also - did you use the "install to pendrive" option under "install"? I haven't used DSL in quite some time (like since .9.1) and im not sure whether I have that option correctly named, but it should be close. I think that the BIOS choice coincides with the option you pick (apparently you can pick the USBZIP or USBHDD from inside DSL?)when installing.

Hopefully this makes more sense, if not then check This one out.


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