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itscience 06-03-2015 01:05 PM

abcde CD ripping settings for flac.. no flacs :-(
Hiya, I'm new and this is my first question:
I want to use abcde to rip my CDs to .flac format and I am using Ubuntu.
I installed flac and abcde and used this guide for the settings.

I should have all the optional packages needed (cdparanoia, flac) and have placed .abcde.conf in my /home/user directory. Whatever it is doing when I execute the abcde command, it's not leaving me my music.flac because when I use $find -name '*.flac' I cannot find any new files :-(

I'm sure the answer is staring me in the face but I selected a folder for the OUTPUT and nothing other than a folder 'abcde.a609ac0d' with data files in my home directory

What trick am I missing here? Hope someone can help me, this is frustrating. I can post the .abcde.conf file I am using and I'm sure I am keeping it in the right location because the flac disclaimer comes up..

dijetlo 06-04-2015 05:24 AM

OK, reading your article, if you used the default configuration, your output file should be in /home/$USER/Music.
Do me a favor before we drill deeper into this and check to make sure

1: You have a Music directory in your home directory
2: It doesn't have .flac files in it.

The find command only searches the current working directory tree unless you supply it a different path so "$find -name '*.flac'" isn't a global search.
it's "find / -name <filename>"

If you are calling abcde from the command line, do you get any output from the application or does it fail silently?

dijetlo 06-04-2015 05:25 AM

Oh, and before I forget, welcome to Linuxquestions (as a poster).

itscience 06-04-2015 09:28 AM

Hi, thanks for getting back to me.
find -name '*.flac' actually does work because when I used it I found all my previous .flac files :-)
I cp /etc/abcde.conf /home/edwooger/.abcde.conf and used andrew's corner for the flacs.

These are the options that I have uncommented. Did I use a comma or speech marks.
FLACOPTS="-s -e -V -8"

mungefilename ()
echo "$@" | sed s,:,\ -,g | tr \ / __ | tr -d \'"\?\[:cntrl:\]


Thanks for your help :-)

pan64 06-04-2015 09:36 AM

I assume that should work.
I see you have backticks, `$HOME/Downloads`, probably that caused the problem.

Also you can try
to check what's happening

itscience 06-04-2015 11:54 AM

Genius. Thanks for your help.
Gonna try and label this topic as [SOLVED] :-)

pan64 06-05-2015 02:44 AM

glad to help you
if you really want to say thanks just click on YES

andrew.46 06-12-2015 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by itscience (Post 5372059)

cp /etc/abcde.conf /home/edwooger/.abcde.conf
and used andrew's corner for the flacs.

There are multiple ways of running the conf file. You could simply use only the flac information in a single ~/.abcde.conf file and then running the command:


will run only the flac output. Or you could use the so-called combo conf file which has carefully selected settings for 8 different audio formats and call abcde for flac as:


abcde -o flac
or any of the 7 other formats after the -o option and abcde will produce only the requested audio codec type. Lots of choices!

You may see that I have changed all of the conf files over the last day or so as abcde 2.7 should be out shortly with a big list of improvements :).

itscience 12-12-2015 02:02 PM

Hiya, Andrew :-)

Thanks for the reply. I found your response and now started using the 10 codex config.
I have all the important one working, the ones I know about: flac, mp3, wav and ogg.
I never heard or used the other 4 and they don't seem to work, anyway. I #tagged them out.

I get this error, otherwise:

which: no mpcenc in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/cxoffice/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl: usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl)
[ERROR] abcde: mpcenc is not in your path.
[INFO] Define the full path to the executable if it exists on your system.

I don't know what it means because I checked my packages and I did have one of them installed and still came up with this message. I'm sure it's something obvious that I am missing and it's not something I will miss not having but for future reference it be nice to know how to fix.

Thanks again for the reply!

andrew.46 12-13-2015 02:49 AM

I suspect that you are missing mpcenc which is the encoder for Musepack. Nice sound if you get around to installing it btw...

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