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Old 07-16-2014, 04:42 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2008
Location: USA
Distribution: Linux Mint Qiana
Posts: 190

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A problem with import (from ImageMagic)

Hi all

I used to use "import file_name.ext" to take images from my screen; whether they are images of the full screen or a portion of it. import helps me get .eps images directly without needing to convert them from other formats to EPS format.

I have switched to Linux Mint and when I try to use "import" I either get a black image or an image of a portion from the window in the background (for example a picture of file manager standing below the brower which has the image I want to take with import)
  1. What exactly is wrong with import and how may I solve this issue?
  2. Is/are there an alternative to import, other than SHIFT+PrtScr?

Thank you all,

Old 07-17-2014, 04:50 AM   #2
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In Gimp, file / Create / From Screenshot is an alternative. You can grab window, screen, or selection of area.

you could also try' -delay 3' or ' -display-server 0' as options that might fix it. if one of them does, put something in /etc/profile.d/ like
alias import="import -delay 3"
Old 07-17-2014, 06:17 AM   #3
Registered: Sep 2008
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Thanks for the reply.

Neither of the above two options worked.
The -display-server is not a flag (option) of the import command. It should be
import -display server
Where server is the X server used.

One thing I noticed is this. I use a wallpaper, which is just a picture, but the background color chosen is black (this is the color that the screen will default to if the wallpaper is removed.)
When I change this color to blue, say, and I still keep the wallpaper as it is (the image I use) and when I use import, the image comes in blue, so it seems import does not care about neither the wallpaper I use, not about the portion of the browser I want to import as an image. "import" seems to see nothing but the screen color as if I am not using a wallpaper!

I hope I could explain the problem and make it clearer.

Old 07-17-2014, 11:58 AM   #4
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import -window root
Turn off compiz and see if it works after that.
Old 07-17-2014, 12:27 PM   #5
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Attach 2 pics. Attach a test image and the import.
Old 07-20-2014, 07:10 AM   #6
Registered: Sep 2008
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Hi all

Well, I could not solve the problem on the machine I was working with. At first I thought it is an NVIDIA driver issue, especially that there were some bliking from time to time. And since this was a fresh installation, it occured to me that I should go back and install Ubuntu (14.04), which I did. All is fine now! Although both Ubuntu and Mint are almost the same, yet all my trials to some the issue failed. "import" worked just fine in taking the images I wanted, yet images came black and no error messages were given. The only solution/explanation is that it is a driver/configuration issue.

I know this is/was not a solution - but I am short of time and I did not want to spend more time tracing this issue. As I said, it was a fresh installation, which I did 2 days before I post the problem.

Thank you for you time,



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