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Old 01-17-2009, 12:26 AM   #1
Registered: Dec 2008
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A pop-up terminal for the panel

Is there a terminal which you can have in the panel, so that when you click it's icon the terminal pops up?

I'm thinking about something akin to the AWN Manager, it has a terminal which pops up (you can see a picture of it here), only something which can be used in the panel as I don't really like the AWN Manager.

I know about Tilda, and I've been using it for some time now- but I prefer the look of the AWN-terminal like in the picture if anyone knows how to get a similar effect (it doesn't necessarily need to be in the panel, really) please share
Old 01-17-2009, 04:12 AM   #2
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Hi Baldurpet,
I'm not sure I understand your question. On your panel, can't you add any app or applet that you want? I use KDE and I just add my favourite terminal which is konsole to my panel (if I right-click on the panel, a menu appears with an item "Add application to panel". I just give it the info needed and I have another icon on the panel that points to konsole. Am I missing something here? I assume you can add whatever you want to your panel, no?
Old 01-17-2009, 08:14 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by jdkaye View Post
Hi Baldurpet,
I'm not sure I understand your question. On your panel, can't you add any app or applet that you want? I use KDE and I just add my favourite terminal which is konsole to my panel (if I right-click on the panel, a menu appears with an item "Add application to panel". I just give it the info needed and I have another icon on the panel that points to konsole. Am I missing something here? I assume you can add whatever you want to your panel, no?
Yes, that does also work with Gnome, except:

Find the terminal (or any other app) in the Applications menu. Right-click the icon, then select Add This Launcher to Panel. Once it's been added, you can right-click the icon to move it wherever you want and lock it to the panel.

Hope this helps

Last edited by DragonSlayer48DX; 01-17-2009 at 08:15 AM.
Old 01-21-2009, 06:02 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by dragonslayer48dx View Post
Yes, that does also work with Gnome, except:

Find the terminal (or any other app) in the Applications menu. Right-click the icon, then select Add This Launcher to Panel. Once it's been added, you can right-click the icon to move it wherever you want and lock it to the panel.

Hope this helps
I fear that I'm being misunderstood.
I'm looking for a terminal which pops down like can be seen on the picture I enclosed.

I know how to add a launcher to the panel, but I was wondering whether there's a terminal which sort of "drops down" and when left idle or clicked would "go back up", leaving it's content intact.
Old 01-21-2009, 09:17 AM   #5
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yakuake pops down from the top with a simple F12, not quite the same as popping up from the panel.
Old 01-22-2009, 01:37 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by baldurpet View Post
I fear that I'm being misunderstood.
I'm looking for a terminal which pops down like can be seen on the picture I enclosed.
Again, on KDE you can get that effect (or sort of, if I understand you) on any open window by double-clicking on the window bar at the top of the window. The window just collapses to a long strip (the width of the original window). Passing the cursor over the strip causes the window to "pop open". Is that what you mean? You turn off the effect by double-clicking again on the window bar. As I said you can do this with any window in KDE.



awn, panel, popup, terminal

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