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Old 06-21-2008, 12:31 PM   #1
Registered: May 2008
Distribution: Centos; Ubuntu; Fedora
Posts: 98

Rep: Reputation: 15
Smile [MIMMS] Is mimms able to "resume" like most of downloaders in Windows ?

I searched for a mms downloader last night and I found various programs to do the job, like mplayer (the one I found it's hard to compile), or mencoder (just to change file format), but I'd like to use mimms for my simple task, just recording the stream. But I wonder if the program has "resume" ability or not, 'cause I often downloads movies which may take a long time at night (2 or 3 hours). So the "resume" ability must be very useful if my parents complain about my habit of staying up late.

Does mimms have the ability of "remembering" what it's downloading ? (Hope it does , then please show me how to do it.)
Thank you, guys.
Old 02-27-2009, 03:00 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
hey I tried this and it works-- mimms -r <url> so all u need to do is just put -r

Originally Posted by tungvs View Post
I searched for a mms downloader last night and I found various programs to do the job, like mplayer (the one I found it's hard to compile), or mencoder (just to change file format), but I'd like to use mimms for my simple task, just recording the stream. But I wonder if the program has "resume" ability or not, 'cause I often downloads movies which may take a long time at night (2 or 3 hours). So the "resume" ability must be very useful if my parents complain about my habit of staying up late.

Does mimms have the ability of "remembering" what it's downloading ? (Hope it does , then please show me how to do it.)
Thank you, guys.
hey I tried this and it works-- mimms -r <url> so all u need to do is just put -r


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