Hello All,
I have been trying to add a new performance graph to my device list on ZenOss. I have read the manuals as well as posted my question in the forum
No help so far. The documentation is not the best I have read in recent times. Would someone be able to help me here. My question (as you can read from the link above is )
I want to install the postgresql monitoring and I found this linke
http://www.zenoss.com/community/proj...cks/postgresql from where I downloaded the ZenPacks.LearningObjects.PostgresqlMonitor-1.0-py2.4.egg
Now I have clicked on /ZenPackManager/nstall zen pack and pointed it to this file and it got installed !?
I do not know what to do next. I have searched the docs, but all of them do not have a step by step process for what to do next to have the db monitored from my added devices and to see a graph.
I can see the Postgres template from under /devices/server/templates
Now I need to add this to all the devices that I have under /devices/server
I would greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide. I have reached here after a lot of searching and reading
A last resort....