You can run software on whatever you want, but many enterprise vendors mandate certain accredited platforms. you want to run an Oracle cluster, then you run redhat. Without the right versions and patch levels and such, they will not support and such. That's just one reason aside of course, but within enterprise it's a big reason. major vendors also support *everything* they ship. when you're running redhat, you got a kernel problem? redhat will sort it. you got a sendmail issue? go ask redhat. apache being weird? redhat. And compared to other monies that get chucked about, formal high level support for an operating system upon which your $10m web project runs is a no brainer.
you might know what you're doing, but you are one person, not a multi billion pound business with business needs which override what distro a geek prefers. sometimes...
Last edited by acid_kewpie; 12-16-2007 at 03:25 PM.