Whats the best 64bit UPnP and NAS Distro?
I've got a solid PC w/Xeon dual core, 4gb RAM, and (2) 1Tb Sata HDs - looking to replace a WinXP pc that currently is running PlayOn (for media to the BD player on the TVs) and sharing folders/drives to all the PCs (WinXP, Win7, OSX, and Ubuntu.
I have tried a few distros to get media shared to the BD players, and even a Win7 - but the BD players can't seem to play any of the video files on the newer 'servers' - and only the Win7 even appears to the Sony TV in the living room (even though it can only browse the folders with video files). Another problem with the Win7 being tested for acting as a server - is the Macs cant seem to access the shares (get Access Denied errors).
Wondering if there is any good distro that is mainly setup for sharing files and storage space to all my devices. Thinking of trying FreeNAS, and seeing if I could add the UPnP/DNLA server packages to it???
Any other suggestions?